I'm new here


New Member
Hi all,
I'm new to this forum and Leopard Gecko ownership. I just got my 1st Gecko yesterday. She's about a year old.
I have her in a 10 gallon aquarium. I have 2 heat pads on her. One underneath the tank and one on the side. I also have a red heat light for the day and a night heat light for night. During the day the hot side is about 86 and the cool side 80.
She hasn't eaten anything. I have a bowl with some mealworms, butterworm and wax worm in it. She has a humid hide she's been hanging out in. She also has a log hide on the warm side to go to.
when will she start eating? Should I leave food in there for her at all times? Is the temp ok for her?
the pet shop said she is shedding. They told me to spray her everyday. Do I need to do that even though she's hanging in the humid hide?
thanks for any advice. I'm feeling like a real nervous Nelly about her.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF and the world of geckos. Are your temperatures (80 and 86) on the floor or in the air? If they are in the air, it may be too hot. The floor temps should be low 90's on the hot side. Based on your description of the different heat sources you have, I wouldn't be surprised if it's too hot. You'll need a digital thermometer with a probe to tell about the floor temps. They sell at pet stores for less than $10,

Sometimes they take a while to eat. Don't worry. Reptiles can go quite awhile without eating, unlike mammals.

Yes, you can leave the worms in the cage all the time.

Don't spray her every day, she's a desert creature,. The humid hide should be sufficient.

Google "leopard gecko care" and read a bunch of caresheets. There will be contradictions because there's more than one way to do things. Ask us here if you're not sure about anything.,



New Member
Thank you for your reply. I do have the probe thing on the cool side of the cage. It reads anywhere from 78-80. It's connected to the therometer and sits on the floor.
I don't have a probe on the hot side. That reads anywhere from 80-86 during the day.
Are these temps ok?
The temps are really driving me nuts. It's hard to keep it a steady temp. In there.
I'm very worried about keeping her healthy.


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
Welcome to the forums!

You should lay a probe right on the hot floor spot on the warm side to make sure the floor temperature is around 90 F. An even better option for measuring the floor temperature is a reptile infrared temp gun, which measures the surface temperature of anything you point it at. I have one and use it for everything. It's okay if the floor temperature drifts up and down a few degrees. As for the air temp, you have more wiggle room as long as it doesn't get too cold at night.

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