I'm this close to breaking down...


New Member
Oregon, IL
and buying myself some cresties. They're gorgeous! Of course, I'd have to wait til I get back to school/get that internship I'm supposed to be getting/find an apartment and move out before my mom kills me for having so many reptiles..so prolly next summer

But..those of you who keep cresties, tell me about them? Like their attitudes, how easily they're handled, how well they get along with one another, lighting requirements, etc.

I know nothing except they can be kept at room temperature, they're arboreal, eat CGD, and are ridiculously hard to sex until they're almost 6 months old..


Grass Valley, California
cresties are neat animals!
handling them you'll notice how soft they feel and the way they hook their tail around you to help cling. i find the pads of the feet irritating on sensitive skin, personally. some people do. handling a crested gecko is very much like handling a frog; a soft, dry frog. lol. they are nocturnal and so they don't appreciate light. they are probably best kept singly to avoid problems. once they lose their tail it doesn't grow back. i have a 1.2 group and they seem to get along fine.

good luck!


60 miles south of Chicago
I LOVELOVELOVE my cresties (ALL of my rhacodactylus geckos, actually), but they are NOT as easy to handle as leos are, for sure.

They CAN jump all over, especially smaller, younger ones.

But they're positively adorable.

I love mine to pieces.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
the nice thing about them though it is pretty easy to tell which way they are going to jump, just follow their head! And you can see their legs tense up before they taking their flying leap so it isnt like you wont know they are about to jump, their body language is pretty easy to read. As stated the smaller the gecko the more jumpy, babies are very flightly, jump everywhere, I would too if I was little and some big pink monster was trying to get me. Most settle down with age, I do have a couple of flightly adults though, but most are preatty calm, a few will just sit there, they feel no need to jump.

I think out of all the species I have kept, these are sneaking their way to the top, dont get me wrong I love my leos, my beardie, my new garg is so friggen cute! But there is just something to say about a crested gecko and their little derrrrr faces!


60 miles south of Chicago
I always tell people not to pay attention to the direction their BODY is in, but pay attention to which way their head is pointing because THAT'S the direction they'll jump.

See, I think Gargs have "derrr" faces, too!
Plus they have those stumpy bodies that are just TOO adorable.

But, yes, I think cresties are by far one of the CUTEST geckos around.

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