:main_thumbsup: My thoughts EXACTLY! I was actually thinking of doing the tiger thing, and tangerine bold stripes! :main_thumbsup:its all about contrast for me, i dislike geckos that are one colour with a slightly different color pattern.
Why has no one produced a bright tangerine gecko and i mean tangerine not yellow, with a jet black pattern. Kinda like a tiger???
Things imo that need improving
Macks Snows - not white enough
RAPTORS - too many out there with too much pattern
Creamsicles - apart from enigmatic most creamsicles are very dull washed looking things- more contrast please!!!!
Novas to dull i love the ones that have these random orange blobs on them.
Lavender - need more intense lavender in geckos or maybe a solid lavender gecko.
And am also going to be one of the people trying to whiten the snow