In Need Of Urgent Help Please, New Owner and New at Forum


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
I also noticed in your first pic that all sides of the aquarium are exposed so that light is coming in. For the gecko to be more comfortable I would get some dark paper or buy a background that covers 3 out of the 4 sides.

Also you want to put in like 20 mealworms into the worm dish. Put the vitamin dust in the dish and kind of shake it so that it dusts the worms. And to keep them more active put in a small piece of carrot for the worms to eat.


New Member
Wow I was looking about how long it took to get other geckos to eat both of mine ate as soon as they got home! :)


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
It's a very pretty blizzard. (We have a few.) You can even go the cheaper route and use paper to do the back and 2 sides of the tanks. We had one female who was used to racks, but she was in quarentine so was in a tank. Stressed her out big time, so the newspaper on the sides helped a bit.

Also I don't think I saw it mentioned in any of the other posts, count the worms when you put them in the dish and check them when you go in there again. Never know, might be sneaking one or two when you're not looking. Always good to know exactally how many you put in.

And did you try crickets at all? Some don't like worms and vise versa. Can't hurt.

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