infra red temp guns


New Member
north east ohio
i was just wondering how many of you use these for leo's? i have been keeping and breeding boids and other snakes for a long time. i am going to continue to use them with my leo's. i am a member of some snake forums and i cant get over how some keepers will fight and fight temps because they use sub-standard(if any) temp tools at all. i have had $300 temp guns and i have had cheap ones. i dropped my raytek in a bucket of water, and didnt have a when i was at the cleveland expo i noticed my friend robbie hamper was selling the pro exotics brand temp guns. i bought the $50 pe2, and i love it! it is very accurate, and i like the simple features. i like it so much i bought another one at the next show. i just think they are SO important to have, if you have one gecko or two hundred boas. you can check every inch of every enclosure in seconds! you KNOW your temps, no doubts! you can check your hot spot, cool spot, humid hide, and even the animals temps instantly! i check mine when i first buy them by putting a cup of water in the freezer and check on it puriodically...once the water starts to crystalize, i will shoot the surface of the water...if it reads 32 degerees, i know it is perfect! both of my pe2's are within .2 degrees of each other. plus you can use them for checking your thermostats or your kids temps! these are jus invaluable tools in my opinion, and i dont understand how people will have a ten thousand dollar collection but wont spend fifty bucks on a temp gun???


New Member
I agree and I have been looking for a good temp gun to purchase. Maybe I will try the PE-2 they are on sale for $35 right now! That is a great price if they are any good.


New Member
north east ohio
i tell you what, i have used $300 rayteks and i like my pe2 just as much! if you buy a pe2 and for whatever reason, you dont love it, i will buy it from you! and pay shipping! they show the highest read temp in the top right corner and also read in .1 degree incraments! i really like mine, and i have had some of the nicest ones out there! i dont know if you are familiar with chad brown or not, but he is a pro football player and he ownes pro exotics...these are his own personal brand. i assure you if he uses them, they are good! i had my doubts at first, but i am VERY happy with mine. the advantage to the more expensive ones were the spot reading ratio(and some minor features)...what this is, is the size of the spot the gun reads at a certain an 8:1 ratio means that at 8 inches away from the surface you are temping, the gun reads a 1 inch circle(so at 16 inches it would be reading a two inch circle,and so on) rayteks were a 10:1 ratio and the pe2 is like a 6:1(i think) which is not that bad at all. i think the pe1 is a 1:1 ratio, so you have to hold the gun at an inch away to get an inch reading circle. this is only really a matter of convenience other that precision, but a higher ratio is a little nicer!(except with the pe1 holding it at ten inches, you are reading a ten inch circle, so a higher ratio is better for reading hot spots and small areas....)


New Member
Thanks for the info. I have been happy with all my purchases from them so I will give it a try. I just placed an order for the PE-2.


New Member
eBay has a laser temp gun for 21$ shipped.

There are hundreds of cheap temp guns out there I have seen some as low as $12. The problem is finding one that is fairly accurate. I am not looking for the cheapest temp gun but rather something that is accurate. I will report back with my thoughts on the PE-2.


New Member
i have used the expensive ones and i use the PE-1, might get a PE-2 sometime. i just love them!


New Member
north east ohio
There are hundreds of cheap temp guns out there I have seen some as low as $12. The problem is finding one that is fairly accurate. I am not looking for the cheapest temp gun but rather something that is accurate. I will report back with my thoughts on the PE-2.

i would rather spend a little money and KNOW the product is good. kinda like buying captive bred condros vs wild caught...sure the wild caught are cheaper, but by the time you replace it three times, then take the fourth one to the vet for the same parasites the other ones died from...then fight to get it to would have been cheaper in the long run to just buy the captive born and bred one that is already eating and has no parasites....just sayin'
i agree totally with LBsLeos on this one...spend the extra money, i know my pets are worth it to me!

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