Intro (new to site) and about Leo I saw at store today.



Hi, First of all, wanted to say hi I'm new here, my name is Star. I recently took in a Leopard Gecko from someone off craigslist. I had one about 7 years ago, and had been thinking about getting another but was torn on buying one from Petco. Even though they were having a half off sale, I used to work there and didn't want to support them, lol. Anyway, it worked out. He came in a 10 gallon, but I just got a 20 gallon to move him into. I have been researching like a madwoman to try my best at doing things right for him. I got slate tiles, they fit perfectly in the bottom of tank, and am either making him a second hide from leftover pieces siliconed together or try the DIY way with styrofoam and grout and all that. I also got him one of those glad disposable containers with blue lid and some peat pots, not sure which I will use as his moist hide, or might try both. Stopped at a fish store today and they happened to have a snow Leo who was gorgeous. I have always wanted some kind of morph, (although snow is not my first choice) and asked if it was a male or female. Well, it turned out to be a male so couldnt' get it anyway, but maybe I should just concentrate on having one again for now? Lol. My question is, I know it was a pet store so the prices are ridiculous anyway, but this guy had a regenerated tail and they wanted $60. I have no idea about prices, so is this reasonable for a snow? (I think sub-adult, possibly adult)Later on down the road , much later, I would like to take a stab at breeding, and would like to buy a nice morph from a breeder. I'm assuming breeder prices are a bit higher, considering shipping too, but the quality of animal must be much better no? So I guess this was really just an introduction and my ramblings about today, lol. Look forward to talking with others!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF. The price you quoted for a subadult snow gecko is not unreasonable if it's a non-chain pet store but is a bit high for the big chains. If you don't mind driving some, there are a lot of nice reptile shows in your area (I live near Boston) including the Manchester NH show twice yearly (next one 4/3), the Mass Reptile show in SE MA, the White Plains NY show, 5x/year, and a new show I saw an ad about in Poughkeepsie, NY the first weekend in June. There are also several leopard gecko breeders on here from MA and eastern NY (including me).


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