Introducing Geckos


New Member
Gainesboro, TN
Okay, first off I know that Leo's are mainly solitary creatures, I know to quarantine and I know not to put a hatchling and sub-adult/adult together, so please don't "remind" me.

Now A friend of mine (he does not have internet) was curious if you could introduce a hatchling/juvie to an adult. He has them in separate tanks but he asked me if I thought it would be ok to let them "meet" under supervision and then put them back. He was curious if by doing this every once in a while would they maybe get use to their scent. That maybe when the little one got to full size it may be easier to try and see if they can be tank mates. He has two complete set-ups so if they don't get along its no problem, and of course if it would be safe cause he would not be leaving them a lone together and not for a long time. I of course told him to let me ask the forum and see what some people think. I only know people that have introduced adults to each other. And it really sparked my interest. Someone once told me to also clean and rearrange tank prior to introduction so that it would be "neutral" territory by removing scents?


New Member
Charleston, WV
I wouldnt do it. Yes, leos may remeber when feeding time is, but I dont think they would get used to seeing the other leo. They are opportunistic feeders, and might just attack the smaller one


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
I would wait until the small one is closer in size to the larger one. There's no need to put either at risk of injury, even the small one could be the aggressor out of fear. It's better for any animal to start out with safe and proper practices according to species. It's good that your friend asked :)


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Okay, first off I know that Leo's are mainly solitary creatures, I know to quarantine and I know not to put a hatchling and sub-adult/adult together, so please don't "remind" me.

Now A friend of mine (he does not have internet) was curious if you could introduce a hatchling/juvie to an adult. He has them in separate tanks but he asked me if I thought it would be ok to let them "meet" under supervision and then put them back. He was curious if by doing this every once in a while would they maybe get use to their scent. That maybe when the little one got to full size it may be easier to try and see if they can be tank mates. He has two complete set-ups so if they don't get along its no problem, and of course if it would be safe cause he would not be leaving them a lone together and not for a long time. I of course told him to let me ask the forum and see what some people think. I only know people that have introduced adults to each other. And it really sparked my interest. Someone once told me to also clean and rearrange tank prior to introduction so that it would be "neutral" territory by removing scents?

I would wait till the smaller one gains in size if he is determined to do this.One thing to watch out for is the slow curvy tail wave which means the bigger one is in attack mode.


New Member
Oregon, IL
If you want them to be used to each other's scent, why not just lay paper towels down in each tank and switch them with each other's after about a week? Or switch one hide from each tank with one hide from the other. Then familiarity wouldn't be a problem and there is no risk involved. And once they're similar enough in size to be placed together, it should be a relatively smooth transition.


New Member
Gainesboro, TN
If you want them to be used to each other's scent, why not just lay paper towels down in each tank and switch them with each other's after about a week? Or switch one hide from each tank with one hide from the other. Then familiarity wouldn't be a problem and there is no risk involved. And once they're similar enough in size to be placed together, it should be a relatively smooth transition.

Hey did not think of that! Lol See thats why I told him to let me ask my fellow peers on the forum... I will have to keep that in mind myself I may try that and see what happens!

I appreciate the replies everyone! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

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