introducing geckos


New Member
long island new york
ok so i have a 1 year old leo and a 3or 4 month, i do not know the sex of either of them, if i introduce them and there both males, will they go at it as soon as they see eachother? i would love to put them together so that thell have a play buddy , let me know


New Member
palmetto FL
They should be the same age. The 1yearold should be sexable by now, look at the base of his tail by the anus, do you see a buldge and the infront of the anus look for black pores in a V shape(im sure someone has pics). You absolutley need to know the sex. And leos dont require nor desire playmates, so dont worry about that.


New Member
Leos are solitary creatures. They don't need or want playmates. They don't appreciate "friends", they just put up with them, and even then its a difficult situation. People have kept leos together for years fine and then one day BAM, big fight breaks out. Its not recommended to house leos together generally. If you do it should be females together, or a female + male. And with female + male, there is a chance that the male will bully the female to breed all the time. I personally would only house males and females together during breeding.

When introducing leos together you should ensure they are the same size, or as close to the same size as possible. I wouldn't introduce your two leos together for a long time. 3 months is much to small to go against a 1 year old leo.

Here's a link that will take you to pictures of how to sex a leo:

The 3 month old leo won't be able to be sexed until around 5-6 months old.

I hope this helps. Good luck!


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
If they are both males they will fight. Almost right away. Adult will injure the younger one, or worse. Confirm gender first! If you can post some pics of the vent and tail base, we might be able to help you.

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