Introducing your hand to a gecko,


The Jaguar Gecko
San Diego

Alright so I had this little girl for about a 5 days now, from the Anahiem Expo, and she is doing great ! , the thing is, she is really scared, and i am getting really worried, I try putting my hand infront of her keeping it very still, but she just backs up quickly and hides, once I tried to scoop her up, and I managed to hand walk her for a bit , but she took a suicidal jump, today I saw her shaking her tail, while my hand was cleaning her tank and striked at me, so I flinched :(, so basically I am going to leave her alone for about 4 more days or so, this is my first leo, she is 3 months , everything in tank seems correct, does anybody has any tips? , please anything you can give me will be greatly appreciated.

- Jasper :main_thumbsup:


New Member
I believe one of the members here had a great method. i think you can start out just placing your hand in the cage for about a couple minutes through out the day, just let her get use to your hand/smell.

I also got my first gecko at the Anaheim show, it's pretty timid as well.


Mine all only took about a few weeks to come around, Im actually surprised just running is pretty calm for a brand new addition, the usual is screaming, hissing, biting, yowling, tail wagging. You got off easy lol.

Once your gecko associates you = bringer of food. It will love you, thats the way it goes with geckos lol.


New Member
North Carolina
I think more time is needed. Just be patient. I know it can be frustrating not to be able to hold them like you want but a slow easy approach is always easier on the leo as well as building lifelong trust. My first gecko was rough and tough, lol. She attacked and bit me every chance she got. I was just patient and put water on my hand like one of the very wise members here suggested. It took a while but now she sits and waits for me to come get her and will now by pass food for attention. My middle girl was terrified and can't stand being held but comes out every time I come in the room and loves when I pet her head and she likes for me to help her with her shed. But I still can't pick her up without a suicide jump. My youngest is so calm my 4 year old daughter can get her out and they really chill together. Each leo is different, be patient and try to be satisfied with what ever your baby is willing to give you.


New Member
The gecko knows that water = good .. so therefore water on your hand makes the
hand = good

I think that's right.

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