Irresponsible Breeding


New Member
NE Ohio
I'm sure this will make some people hate me, but so be it. I am appalled at the number of times I see people asking what they should do because they bred their geckos without having any of the supplies needed for proper breeding. You didn't know you needed something for the eggs to be laid in? You didn't know you needed something for them to be kept in during incubation? You didn't know you needed to incubate them? Eh, maybe I'm expecting too much. Maybe you didn't know that putting a male and female together is the impetus for breeding to occur. It certainly makes me feel for those breeders who have dedicated years of their lives to research. Even more so when they offer their opinions based on their research, and are met with backlash from the same people asking what they should do.


I don't mind people asking what they should do, as long as they are asking BEFORE they even put the male and female together... I mean, really. Common sense dictates that you should have all the information before you start something. Otherwise they're just ridiculous.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
It certainly makes me feel for those breeders who have dedicated years of their lives to research. Even more so when they offer their opinions based on their research, and are met with backlash from the same people asking what they should do.
Angelicka, there is nothing more frustrating for me as a breeder and keeper than to see such idiocy. Most of the time I do not even read posts here on GF when they ask for advise AFTER the fact. I am always willing to help and answer questions when people are doing their homework before making purchase, breeding, or health decisions... but it only frustrates and aggravates me when people are so irresponsible. More than that, it breaks my heart for the animals. I can't tell you how many tears I've cried over situations like these! With as much information as there is available now, there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for such stupidity.


Angelicka, Great post! I'm sure you've all heard this at least once,"people should have a license to have babies" or "stupid people shouldn't breed" it just makes more of them. I am a firm believer in this not only breeding reptiles but in life in general! great post again!

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
Ang and I have put in countless hours trying to figure out many things about the Leopard gecko hobby before moving on the next step. We do so much research and getting advice from others and talking with each other just about little things on what to use for hides or water bowls.

When getting on here and seeing the irresponsibility of others just either jumping straight from i have a leo to oh crap i have eggs what do i do to i have a leopard gecko dieing help me. I kinda feel that someone it cheapens the fact that we have put in the time.

We are new to the community but at least have the respect to put in the time and effort it takes to just learn a little bit first. We have consulted many people here on the forums like Marica, Nigel, Brittney, Paul, Gregg, Kelli, Nevin, and Eric just to name a few people. The vast amount of experience that these people have combined has helped us in so many ways in choosing what we want to do as well as what is best for us to do in raising and breeding leopard geckos.

We can't thank the community enough for the time let alone the dedication in helping us. If we can pass on that knowledge to just one person maybe it will spread like wildfire.

But from the bottom of my heart i want to thank those people out there that have taken the time to answer our questions and point us in the right direction in making Leopard Geckos a great hobby as well something very full-filling in our lives.

oh yeah if this is kinda run on please don't mind i'm not use to being up this early and i sometimes don't make a whole lot of sense without my morning caffeine.
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Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Althogh I do agree with this thread for the most part there are certain situations where it could not be the falt of the person who has a gravid female...

Here is a couple of case...
What if a person buys a female leo from someone or some place that is already gravid??? What if someone is sold 2 females and it turns out to be male and female??? (it does happen)

The person has no Idea untill it is "too late"... I think in this situation it is perfectly acceptable to ask an emergency question... However, the answer can easily be found with a simple search... But when people are in a panic, they do not realise an answer can be found in a search faster than the time it takes to type out the post and wait for a response...

But there are many times where people just start breeding without doing what needs to be done as far as doing, as Marcia accurately puts it, their home work first... There is even more to the breeding part of the hobby than the "how to"... If they can not do simple research on the simple how to part, they certainly have no idea what they are in for with the other aspects of breeding including what they are going to do with offspring, what will they do with deformed hatchlings, how much even just a few hatchlings will wind up costing in the long run, housing and 15 other thing I can name but dont feel like typing out...


New Member
NE Ohio
Althogh I do agree with this thread for the most part there are certain situations where it could not be the falt of the person who has a gravid female...

Don't get me wrong. I do understand some emergency situations do arise. I remember listening to a breeder talk about his concern when he found his one female was a male, and he ended up with 3 gravid females who were way under preferred breeding weights. I am talking about those who purposely introduce males and females without any foresight to consider the outcome.

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