Is it worth it???


Seminole, FL
Hundreds is a lot and yes you will spending a lot of money on feeders, containers, racks, feeding dishes, hides, meds, vet visits, flex watt, the list goes on and on.

We currently have around 28 leos, two gargoyles, and two golden geckos. Right now just to feed and clean the leos each night and document as much as we do it takes around an hour and a half to two hours if were quick. Hundreds sounds like a professional and basically a farm. Unless this is going to be a full time job I would start a lot smaller and work your weigh up.

The other thought would be that if you had 200 leos and lets say half are females, at around 8-10 hatchlings per female per season then you're looking and around 800 hatchlings to also deal with. Add that to you're current 200 and your looking at 1000! Plus all males will need to be housed individually so your setup would be imense and take up a warehouse!

I would need a full facility to take care of this and would cost a ton of money to upkeep, build, and get supplies for.

We go through almost 7K mealies a month, 600 crix, 100-250 wax worms, and around 600 supers.

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