is my bearded dragon having babys????



heya all little help please just recantly bought two bearded dragons off a guy one male and one female but the female is very fat and greedy could you please tell me if she is pregnant am new to all this what do i have to do if she is??? i do have pics but cant put them on here i dont know how to please help


Staff member
Somerville, MA
If you have a male and a female together, there may ultimately be babies, though not until the female ovulates. I have a female without a male and she lays eggs between about May and July. To find out more about breeding bearded dragons, I recommend you check out since that's devoted more specifically to bearded dragons. When my female is ready to lay, she gets very restless and starts trying to dig in her cage.

I advise you to think really carefully about breeding bearded dragons and to seriously consider separating your male and female. I have never bred beardies (and never will) because the female lays large clutches, the babies eat a lot and need to be kept separate or in small groups so they don't bite each other. Last season my beardie laid 80 eggs in 3 clutches! Imagine if only half of those eggs hatched. If you look on craigslist you will see lots of ads for people looking to "rehome" their beardie because they didn't realize how much space and food they would require. I think it's fine that some people breed beardies, but I do feel it's a major commitment and major expense and should be thought about very carefully.



Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
actually females can lay at any time, but breeding season is spring through summer.

I would seperate them. Males and females shouldnt be housed together, the male will constantly pester her to breed, which can cause alot of stress on the female. Although she is greedy with food, she may be acting this way because she is housed with the male, but often times the females will eat less when housed wth males. Also with constant egg laying she can have the issue of not gaining enough weight inbetween clutches, calcium crash, and if she looses to much weight possible egg binding. I had a female housed alone, she couldnt even see my male but when he becamse sexually mature, she could smell him. She, starting in March, laid 4 clutches of eggs in not quite 3 months time span, she lost so much weight (and she is normally a 520g beardie, dropped to high 300g mark). And that was only from smelling him! Only way to get her to stop stressing over him and continue laying eggs was to remove him from the room. So males can be very stressful on females.

Also there are things to look at like is she the right canidate to breed? Alot of people breed beardies just to breed them, thus resulting in breeding smaller animals. Beardies really should be 20"+ and 300g for the male, 350g+ for the female. Recently in the last few years I have been seeing a trend of people breedin dinky little 18" beardies thus helping to flood the market with smaller less hardy animals, remember in the wild these guys easily get 22"+, so trying to keep it true to the species is the way to go.

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