Is my leo in pain?


New Member
new york
For the past week my leo's appetite dropped drastically. She's been eating 0-2 crickets a day and then loses interest. She wasn't acting lethargic or anything but hadn't pooped for about 6 days. Last night I gave her a warm bath with 2 drops of olive oil and massaged her stomach. She ended up pooping overnight, but ever since this morning she's been acting strange. Whenever I pick her up she clings to my hand. She won't stand for herself, only lays super flat against my hand. She can walk just fine when she's in her tank, but when I take her out she clings her whole body to me. When I try to lift her or change my hand position she claws at me to hold on and sometimes screams (which she has rarely done before). I wonder if she's in pain. She also seems to have some extra excess skin hanging from her neck. Her legs are not swollen at all so not sure about MBD. Her tail is still fat and she hasn't lot weight, in fact she actually gained a 3 grams in the past week despite the loss of appetite. Any ideas? I'm so worried about her.

Additional Info:
Her substrate is carpet
I give her crickets with calcium/D3 power
Temp in her tank is 90
She is 1 year old
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF! I'm not a vet and I can't see your gecko so I can only guess. Often when I have a gecko that's pressing itself flat onto my hand it's enjoying the heat of my hand, though at 90 degrees, her enclosure seems to be warm enough. It sounds as if you're doing everything correctly. It's possible she found the pooping a bit traumatic. I recommend you continue to watch and feed her and if you're really worried, consider a vet visit (check for reptile vet locations).



New Member
new york
Hmm that is possible. Her poop consisted of one big brown part and 2 white parts, so maybe she's still recovering lol. She clings on me pretty hard, more than she does when she is trying to get warm.

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