Is she okay?


New Member
I have a girl Leo who is around 11 months old.
She eats regular, her bowl always has mealworms in, fresh water everyday.
About 4-5 Locusts/Crickets every few days. I gut-load all her food before giving it to her and use calcidust.
Also feed her waxworms twice a week.
Her poo is normal and she sheds fine (although when she was a baby she used to have trouble and has 2 missing toes due to this)
She's on laminate flooring which is kept clean, and paper towels for poo area, she has 3 hides, one cold, hot and humid. Hot side is 40c.

She is really small in my eyes, my boyfriend has 3 and they are huge compared to her, although they are about a year older.

From head to the tip of her tail she is about 7 inch and is skinny.
If there something wrong with her or is she just a small gecko?

I took her to the vets around 3 months ago to see if she was okay and they weighed her (not sure what she weighs now) and said she was fine. But I just want a second opinion.

I'm a worrier as it is and want to make sure she's alright because I love her to bits ! and PLEASE say if i'm doing anything wrong.
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Active Member
Southern Illinois
She does have a small tail, but it doesn't look thin, dried up, or wrinkled. If you're uncertain, you can always take a fresh stool sample to the vet for a fecal smear. She might just be a small gecko. I have one like this, too. She's a full grown adult but much shorter than my juvies. This one HERE. She's well proportioned (and even bred successfully), but she never grew as big as other geckos I have.

It might just be her nature.



New Member
She does have a small tail, but it doesn't look thin, dried up, or wrinkled. If you're uncertain, you can always take a fresh stool sample to the vet for a fecal smear. She might just be a small gecko. I have one like this, too. She's a full grown adult but much shorter than my juvies. This one HERE. She's well proportioned (and even bred successfully), but she never grew as big as other geckos I have.

It might just be her nature.


Thankyou so much, you have made me feel so much better.
Your leo has lovely markings btw ! She looks about the same size as mine just has a bit fatter tail.

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