Is the hot side too hot?


New Member
Northern California
Hello, I just got my leopard gecko today and I have some concerns

The temperature was hovering around the 90 to 95 range for a while, however after putting a hide there the temperatures within it have gone up to 99-100 over the last 5 hours or so. I'm worried about the gecko getting burned. I felt the area with my hand and it didn't /feel/ like it was too hot, but I've read that leopard geckos have sensitive skin on their bellies. I feel like he would move to the cool side of the tank if it was too hot, but I feel he may also simply be too afraid of his new surroundings to leave the hot hide.

I unfortunately do not have a dimmer, as it seemed like I wouldn't need one. I was also told babies enjoy slightly higher temperatures. I do not know how soon I would be able to get a dimmer for the UTH, and I am unsure of what I should do in the meantime.

Any help would be appreciated.

Note; as I was writing this he came out of the hot hide, but he went back into it not long afterward


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
You can get a Lutron Lamp Dimmer at Lowe's or Home Depot for $10.. Just slap one of those on there. And your leo isn't going to get burned. My thermostat for my heat mat is set at 95.

B&B Geckos

A thermostat is best b/c as the temp rises in your house the output of the dimmer connected to your UTH will remain the same and 93 degrees can rise by as much as them temp of your house rises. When in doubt (when using a dimmer), slightly lower temperatures are preferable. Only higher temps will kill/cook your gecko. With the dimmer, I'd keep my temp around 85-87 (leos can metabolize/digest just fine at this temp). At this temp if the home temp fluctuates 10 degrees up or down, your gecko is safe. I prefer a stable temperature and peace of mind. Save up for a thermostat and you won't have to worry about it.


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
When I had my dimmer I made sure to check the warm side in multiple places at LEAST 3 times a day with a temp gun, because, as mentioned before, the temps with a dimmer can fluctuate. Now that I have my thermostat though, my life is MUCH easier. LOL

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