Is there a demand for these boas?



Hi, I have a male Argentine boa, and a female Dumeril's boa. In the future I would love to breed them, but these are snakes that I never see for sale. Is there a reason for this? I happen to think that these two species are absolutely gorgeous, doesnt everyone think their own snakes are gorgeous lol! But seriously, other than color morphs, is there any reason that red-tails have cornered the market? Please excuse the finger print smeared photo of the Argentine!


New Member
New York
These arent real popular boa species but they also go for more money so from an investiment standpoint, you could get more for CB babies of these then say a common red tail boa. I know CB baby Durmerils generally go for like $150-$300 each. Im not to sure about the Argentine boa but my guess is CB babies would sell a good amount. Not that the money should be the most important thing but chances are if they are sellling for a good amount, that means they are popular or uncommon or both. I know the Durmerils have gained popularity the last couple years but I still see CB babies going for a few hundred bucks and more people seem to be getting them. I know I would like one someday. Hope that helps :)

Valley Reptiles

New Member
Dumerils are for sale all the time on Kingsnake and are as low as $75, average price is around $100. You can get adults for $200 to #250. There were a few Argentines at our last show for $80


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
I've noticed alot of the "Argentines" advertised aren't true Args. They're an Arg x Red Tail cross. I have one of those. Very pretty, but not the "real McCoy."
Real Argentines seem to be rather difficult to get a hold of and seem to be a bigger, more "beefed up" boa. More of an intermediate snake.
Dumes produce small litters and are also a more intermediate snake, due to their more flighty personalities. I've had a future breeding project pair of Dumerils for 2 years now and that female STILL isn't up to size! :main_rolleyes:

Red Tails produce bigger litters and usually have nice temperments. Plus theres plenty of literature on them and they come in so many different morphs, its unreal.

You know, I have my eye on a female Arg. of breeding size. We should organize a "blind date" and see what happens! :D


T&KBrouse said:
I've noticed alot of the "Argentines" advertised aren't true Args. They're an Arg x Red Tail cross. I have one of those. Very pretty, but not the "real McCoy."

Now that you mention it, I remember seeing quite a few Argentine X Colombian crosses. They were pretty, but I personally just dont see the point in cross breeding. As far as temperment, the Argentine is one of the most laid back snakes that I have ever dealt with, though I hear as babies they can be a bit nippy. The Dumeril's now, lol, is the opposite! She is 100% attitude, we have finally (after 2 years) come to an agreement....I will stop trying to hold her, and in return she will stop trying to bite me on the nose! She is the main reason my husband is terrified of snakes, lol. BTW- if any of you have any advice on how to win over a non-snake person, let me know. I think I have my foot in the door, he just agreed to let me breed geckos, but snakes will be a whole new battle!


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Oh I completely argree with the cross breeding. Eve is pretty, but what exactly would you breed with her? Another Arg? Or another RTB? Ya know?
We did breed her with an exceptionally sexy Red Tail and they produced beautiful, silver babies, but its not a "proven morph" so we just had some pretty little red tail babies. If we were to breed her with an Arg, the babies would still have RTB traits, so thats a "no-go" either.
And I'm with ya on Arg personalities, too. Haven't met alot of them, but the ones I have have had wonderful dispositions.
Dumes are funny little creatures. My female HATES men and will bite any male that tries to pick her up. (Go figure, her name is "Jezebel")
The male, though, is just as sweet as he can be.
As for hubby, maybe try getting something like a young ball python. They have such a gentle, docile disposition. Thats usually whats gotten alot of the snake phobes here to mellow out. We have a friend that used to be so afraid of snakes, she couldn't even say the word "snake." After coming over and being around them, she eventually got comfortable enough to touch one of the ball pythons, now she comes in and asks to hold certain ones.

By the way; your Argentine is GORGEOUS!!!:D :main_yes:


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
This is a shot of Eve and one of the babies she had last year.




I dont think even the most docile snake will win my husband over...he is really afraid of being bitten. When I first came home with the Arg. he would hold him, you could clearly see that he was uncomfortable, but he was at least trying. Well, I took the snake in to be probed, and the lady commented "you know, Argentines may seem nice but one day they will just snap and then theyll bite you really bad"! Excuse me? Snake are definately not domesticated creatures, but they are not going to "snap" and decide to bite you. If youre bitten, its probably your own fault. Well my husband has never forgotten those lovely words of wisdom and has not held a snake since. Though, in his defense, he did bring me home a baby gartersnake last summer....held through a floppy hat and at arms length away from his body, lol!

BTW-that baby snake is quite is mama, she looks HUGE! How big is she?


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Patrika said:
Well, I took the snake in to be probed, and the lady commented "you know, Argentines may seem nice but one day they will just snap and then theyll bite you really bad"!

LOL! I think my father told my husband that very same thing on our wedding day! :D

Thanks for the comps. Eve is 7'9" and is now up to a hefty 28 pounds.
Shes got that Argentine bulk and those crazy "great white shark eyes. " She tends to scare the crud out of people as she looks alot more malevolent than she really is.


I think they are not real popular because the lack of morphs.The morphs there is,are very expensive.

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