An Aptor is a Tremper Albino. If it is het Raptor and paired with another Tremper Albino, it will make Tremper Albinos het Raptor, too. Here's the morph calculator.
Save the photo to your computer, then reply. When you reply there will be a Manage Attachments button below the message field. The Manage Attachements button will open another browser or tab to allow you to upload the attachment. Look for the browse button which will allow you to browse your computer. Click the browse button and navigate to where you saved it. Select the file, click ok. Then find the upload button and click it. That should link the photo to your reply. Simply click submit reply.
Thats what i thought, i was pretty positive thats what it was, just wanted someone elses opinon, we got her from someone on craigslist for only 20$ so i couldnt pass that up