Issue with stuck shed on toes


New Member
I am having major issues with trying to get the stuch shed off my leos toes. I used to peel it off with my hand, but this was really stressful for myself and the gecko. I have given him many baths in warm water to try to loosen up the skin with no results. I bought the zoomed reptished aid to see if that would work, and it did but the skin still will not come off the tip of the toe. Then I even tried giving my leo a bath with water and the repti shed aid together and it helped but there is stil some shed on the toes. I did notice that a couple of my leos toes look red/ scabbed over on the end like it cut off the circulation for the toe and it lost the nail. I have not seen any blood anywhere so I do not think he was really bleeding. Please help and let me know what I should do because I am at a loss.


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Mads exotics

New Member
Hi! I rescued a Leo with mbd and he had lost most of his toes due to this reason but I saved a couple . He was very fragile and didn’t like me touching his feet but the way I did it was I’d soak him in a paper towel lined Tupperware and I gently rubbed the toes with a q tip to get a sliver of loose shed then I would take tweezers very carefully peel off the shed , it worked very well with me and I use this method any time they have stuck shed.

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