It just NEVER ends!


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Everytime I get SEMI caught up on bills something else goes wrong. I have finally got to a point where I think I can quit my part time job and go back to only working a normal 40 hours a week, and be able to afford a few new geckos, my new (Bigger and Better) apartment, etc.

Well, now my car decides it's time to cause me problems. Last week the muffler clamp fell off the car, and is rusting and has a hole in it, there's at least $125. Now my brakes are vibrating, that's about $60+ per tire, and I JUST HAD THEM REPLACED LAST YEAR!

What's next! Bring it on!


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Jeanne said:
Well, now my car decides it's time to cause me problems. Last week the muffler clamp fell off the car, and is rusting and has a hole in it, there's at least $125. Now my brakes are vibrating, that's about $60+ per tire, and I JUST HAD THEM REPLACED LAST YEAR!

What's next! Bring it on!

Can't you just re-attach it with a wire coat hanger? That's how we do it around here...ghetto style! Did they replace or at least your rotors last time you had the brake pads changed? Perhaps why they're wearing out so fast and causing vibration. Or you're just a crazy driver...:main_huh: :p Anyway, have them check the rotors before you just go replacing the pads.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Mel&Keith said:
Can't you just re-attach it with a wire coat hanger? That's how we do it around here...ghetto style! Did they replace or at least your rotors last time you had the brake pads changed? Perhaps why they're wearing out so fast and causing vibration. Or you're just a crazy driver...:main_huh: :p Anyway, have them check the rotors before you just go replacing the pads.

Not sure if I am going to fix the muffler at all, it is loud an sounds so BADASS!!! LOL...J/K! I have unitl October to fix the muffler so it can wait a while (My inspection sticker is due in October).

As for the brakes, I had a friend do them, hopefully he will help me out again and check out the rotors. :main_thumbsup:


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Mel&Keith said:
Too bad you don't live down here, you could get a new muffler installed for about $50!

Are you serious??? I wish it were that cheap up here! Why does EVERYTHING have to be more expensive in New England! :main_huh:


Hi Jeanne-boy do I know where you are coming from

Same old stuff going on here but I am at least getting caught up with back bills after my bf was in the hospital for a week
Life gets to be more and more of a challenge every year-I swear

I sure hope that things get better for you soon
Hang in there -it's gotta turn around and be better......
It's just gotta get better

I think that has become my mantra-lol

Take care-my fingers are crossed for ya and give Abbie a big hug for me


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
LadyGecko said:
Take care-my fingers are crossed for ya and give Abbie a big hug for me

Thanks Sandy, I will definitely give Abbie a GIANT hug and a BIG kiss from you! Any excuse to hug and kiss her works for me!

P.S. In 4 weeks I will have an apartment where I can FINALLY have her, she has been living with my Ex for the past year, but soon, she will be all mine! YEAH! I can't wait!


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
jeanne, i hear you compleatly, and honestly....this problem is the only thing in life that gets me down. i have the typical bill probles that everyone else has. but what compleatly tops it off for me is my medical bills. it seems like i get med bills so often that i look at them and have to remember which doc/hosiptal visit went to which bill

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