It's been a real bad week



I know that I have posted part of this in the dog forum here but this week just keeps getting worse as it progresses

First - my sweet dog-Sheba Sue was diagnosed with osteoscarcoma on Monday-then the deal for 2 Cresties that I have been waiting for the seller to ship for over 3 weeks (due to cold weather conditions mostly) looks like it is going sour and the guy is ripping me off-delivery was finally supposed to be today and I got no tracking number yesterday and no geckos today and no replies to my emails as to what is going on and then I find a thread on him on the Faunas BOI as a bad guy and a thief
Sooooooo..........It looks like I am out $225.00

Then I talked to my 83 yr. old mother today (we talk every day-at least once a day on the phone) that is in great health for her age and find that she has fallen again-stepping off a curb while watching for traffic when crossing the street
This is the second time that this exact thing has happened to her and this is really freaking me out
She doesn't seem to have a problem getting around in her apt.or in the building that she lives in-it's just stepping off curbs when watching for traffic

Fortunately she only has some scrapes and cuts on the arm and hand that she landed on and she did not break any bones
I asked her about getting some type of small cane for balance support when she goes out walking and she quickly dismissed that idea-I understand why-but I am very worried about her

I sure can't try and tell her to stay indoors and she already lives in a retirement community apartment that is one step away from assisted living

My chronic pain has been just unbelievably bad due to stress and I am depressed to the point of wondering if i will ever see the light at the end of this long tunnel

I know that when it rains-it pours but this is bordering on the ridiculous
I am sitting here at 3:30 am just wondering how to get it together because I just can't fall completely apart-I have too many critters depending upon me to care for them And I am doing so but it's like I am moving around in a daze

I can only pray-and I am doing lots of that-that things will eventually get better and try and work myself out of the depression that I find myself in

I have been in and out of counseling/therapy for years for depression and I have never really felt that i have benefited much from it-I usually just end up discontinuing it and pull myself up by the proverbial bootstraps and get my s*** together and get on with my life but this is a lot of crap to handle all in one week

Thanks for listening



New Member
I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time Sandy. Hang in there!
I hope you don't get ripped off, and you hear from the seller soon.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'm sorry you're having such a bad time. You might want to see if your mother can get some physical therapy (if she'll agree to it) which may be able to happen in her home (home care) or at a clinic. There may be some techniques they can teach her, or if someone besides you recommends a cane she may be more inclined to do it (of course, I don't know your mother so you'd know best whether this would work for her). I hope things get better for you both.



Thanks for your kind replies and tips
I will be talking to mom again later tonight-i try and call her at least twice per day
I am going to lay down and take a nap right now-I am exhausted
I just got the news from the vet (Which i knew) that the fungal infection test came back negative so Sheba does indeed have bone cancer
I also just spent the better part of the early afternoon c/p ing all of the email correspondence between myself and the person that has my money and has not sent me the geckos and I haven't heard from him since Tuesday
Getting ready to go to the BOI and PayPal with that mess-I am giving him until Monday to get in touch with me
It's more not having the energy to deal with that right now than giving him any benefit of the doubt but i might just faint if he does indeed contact me between now and then

I just want to bury my head under the pillows and never come out from there again-but of course I won't
I got a lot done with the reptiles last night and I am going to finish up with their feeding./cleaning etc tonight

A nap just sounds damn good right now and it might take the edge off my physical pain too

Thanks again Aliza and Brandy
you guys are great !!



New Member
Weymouth MA
I'm sorry that Sheba has cancer. I wish it was anything but that.
Hopefully your nap will give you some blissful peace for a while.


New Member
I hope you feel better after your nap Sandy. Stay strong. It will take time to accept and heal but you will get through it.


Thanks guys
I'm getting better-I think-LOL
Sheba has been having 100% good days since she was put on the Duramaxx and while i know that this won't last forever-
I treasure these days




Sandy, I am so sorry for all that is happening in your life. I too have had the worst time of it and I too have chronic pain from a medical problem and illness. I will PM you in alittle while. Because I am here for you and maybe we can help each other get through all of this. Hugs to you BIG time. Hang in there! Deb


Deb-I would love to hear from you and i will PM you my email addy
To those that have never had to deal with it-chronic pain is something that will make you want to rip your hair right out o your skull and it wouldn't really bother you all that much because everything else hurts so bad
Well-maybe that is a slight exaggeration but -the pain is intensified with stress and depression and anxiety come along for the ride too

Add the pain/ anxiety meds and some days I am a blubbering idiot

That is why I am having such a very difficult time dealing with all of the S*** hitting the fan at once here

Oh and BTW-The idiot that I have been fighting with to get those 2 Crested's
You will NOT believe this
He sent out the package PRIORITY MAIL yesterday just to appease my claim in PayPal and if there ARE 2 geckos in that box-they will most certainly be dead by the time that they reach here-which is 2 to 5 days at best

Oh and the current temp here is 28 degrees

I have a thread going on the BOI at Fauna that i am going to add the most recent correspondence to today

I just can't cope with this BS and I have been so crazy with everything going on that I didn't even look at the weather forecast for today
I started out asking/demanding a refund this week for my money which he refused to do and the next thing that i knew he was sending out the geckos yesterday which might have been OK if they were coming next day express mail
BUT-he has the link for the weather for my area and he he did send any geckos in that box and cared one iota about the animals-he would have waited to ship and I would have been forced to agree with him because of the cold weather

OMG-it is just such a mess!!
I could go on and on but it's kind of pointless and I really do feel like I am losing my mind over this whole deal gone sour

Please everyone-just pray for the geckos sake that he sent me an empty box



Oh wow Sandy. I'm so sorry to hear things are going so bad. I will definately keep you and your family in prayer.

Reading about the cresties is really sad, I know it's heartbreaking that someone doesn't care enough to ship them safely, but of course it's not your fault. There are just some crazy people out there. Don't worry about it (I know that's easier to say than do) but you've tried your best. Focus on keeping yourself healthy, hopefully everything will work itself out soon.


Thanks so very much Katie-I called my local PO this morning and they said that whatever is being sent from this person should be delivered today via priority mail and I found out something that really surprised me
YOU CAN SEND LIVE ANIMALS VIA PRIORITY MAIL-it does not have to be Express Mail/Overnight
He said that they get Chicks sent Priority Mail all of the time

that floored me
Anyway-there are two trucks coming in today from the main hub-one at 1:30 pm and 1 at 3:00 pm and if it is coming in today it should be on either truck
I am having them hold whatever it is and they said that they would be glad to witness me opening the box-if it is a box-at this point all I know is that I am receiving something sent priority mail

Sheba is still doing well on her pain meds and I am still searching for more info/possible treatments for her but I honestly don't have much hope
Holistic is a possibility but it will depend upon the side effects vs the benefits as would any treatment for her


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