What about the other hide? There should be three.I'm moving her tank around and the humid hide isn't in right this minute.Only one water dish and regular sand.
Mine has four too, though she very rarely uses the one on the cool side. Mostly sticks in the hot and moderate ones, though she's in a 20 long which has a much bigger gradient than in what appears to be a 10 gallon.+1 maggot. My leo has 4 hides, moist and dry on the hot side, one in the middle and hide / water dish combo on the cool side. She LOVES it.
You shouldn't have posted pics if you didn't want people to respond to them. I don't know anyone here who says that there shouldn't be a minimum of cool hide, warm hide, and humid hide. A leo can't properly thermoregulate if it's forced to be out in the open in order to do so. You're making it choose between security and thermoregulation by giving it only one dry hide.I've had two for a year and a half now this is what was acceptable the last time I was here on this forum.Thank you but I didn't come here to be critiqued I came here to talk with other Leo lovers.
No one's saying she won't grow or is gonna die just because you don't provide three hides. But put aside your pride for a minute about think about it: leopard geckos regular their body temperatures by moving around between different areas of different temperatures. They also avoid being eaten by spending most of their time hidden, and the fact that they're nocturnal means they hide even more than the average gecko. That's why it's advised to give them at least two different dry hides on each side. If they're too hot, they're still probably not going to go sit out in the open to cool down. They'll probably choose security over properly regulating their body temperature, which isn't very healthy. Not gonna kill her, but it's just better to provide them with more options than fewer.I have warm hide and humid hide in middle.Believe me it's in there now.When I first started here last year this is what I was told I was needed.Posted plenty of pics without being criticized for my setup.As you can see in my pictures my Leo has grown plenty from earlier pictures and is doing great.I apologize your not satisfied with how I have my Leo but I am.
I only have 3 hides in my leo's enclosure. One humid, one cool, and one warm. I keep my humid hide exactly in the middle of the enclosure. The humid hide is very important.I'm going to take your guys advice, for the health of my leo. I have another hide and have it on the cool side, and I'm going to have to make a humid hide. My tank just can't handle 4 hides so hopefully 3 will do the job. I will post pics later. Is there any particular side the humid hide should be on?Middle or on the warm side?I had it in the middle before but the warm side would make more humidity.Thanks.
I'm going to take your guys advice, for the health of my leo. I have another hide and have it on the cool side, and I'm going to have to make a humid hide. My tank just can't handle 4 hides so hopefully 3 will do the job. I will post pics later. Is there any particular side the humid hide should be on?Middle or on the warm side?I had it in the middle before but the warm side would make more humidity.Thanks.
Hmmmm. At least you're taking the advice though. Hope it's not a lie this time too. I keep mine between the middle and hot sides.I have warm hide and humid hide in middle.Believe me it's in there now.
I dunno if it would hurt the leo, but it might discourage her from using it. You probably wouldn't want to spend your time with your head stuck in a coffee can either (nor would I). I'd suggest getting a regular plastic container. They're pretty cheap.Thank you for your help Would the aroma of coffee hurt a leo? I found a perfect size coffee container and I am trying to wash the smell out but better to be safe than sorry.