JBReptiles (Jérémie Bouscail Reptiles)


Hi everyone, lots of people here certainly already know me through other online place like FB or from some show, or simply beeing customers of mine, for the others who do not know me yet, i'm Jérémie Bouscail, living in France and in the hobby since 1999, breeding leopard geckos since 2001 (Actually small breeder but yet almost 11k leopard geckos hatched at my facility since i started and around 21k if we count all species i did breed by past, not the biggest experience ever but already a good average one i would say), through my carreer in the hobby, i got many different species but at this day i'm only working with morelias ssp and leopard geckos. I mainly work the morphing with my animals and have developped since the old days severals lines by selective breeding, by past i took decision to not show myself up on forums as the "mentality" of the hobby today is way different than it was in the old days, but after some friends motivated me, i decided to come up to share my work and knoweldge on certainly the largest leopard geckos forum of the community. Special thanks to my friend Rebecca from Dragoon Gecko who suggested and gave me envy to come here.


Ghoulish Geckos
Welcome to GF! It's always great to have experienced breeders join the site to share their information. :)

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