Joyfullness and sorrow together...the perfect mix


New Member
Glendale, AZ
Joyfullness & Sorrow...the perfect mix..,

...not....Right now I'm in 8th grade and I am in 1 seventh grade class this year because of the way my schedule is with certain classes. In the few months that have passed, I have grown really close to most of the seventh graders in my class....Now, I'm registering for high school, soon we will be preparing for graduation(practicing and stuff)and b4 I know it, the year will be up and I will be heading off to summer as a freshman....Next year I won't see the sevies(sorry, nickname they have at my school ^_^)every day and, having gotten to know them so well, I will really miss them :(. I've known a lot of them for at least a full year if not longer, but really got to know them this year...I feel like I know them better than the 8th graders....Yes, I have my 8th grade friends, but they will be coming to the same high school I'm going to go to so no need to worry about them....and with all the teenage drama and stuff going around its harder to stay friends with them &/or get along all the time....We will be back together in a year, when they graduate, but it doesn't make it any less painful to know you're not going see them every day...even harder for someone like me, who has grown up with the same batch of kids and never moved schools b4...

I don't really know why I posted this...I think I just needed to say this & get it off my chest....maybe looking for kind words or encouragement....I don't know, just felt like I had to say it.

Sorry for the rambling, I guess I'd better stop now lolz

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New Member
At least you can still see them after school and keep in touch via phone and e-mail.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I know how you feel. It's hard to leave your friends behind because as you know, things and people can change so much in a years time, especially when you're young. Your true friends will always be there for you, and what you will find as you get older (like me!) you will be able to count your friends, your true friends, on one hand. Good luck in high school this fall.

Next Level Geckos

New Member
I too will be leaving really close freinds once going into highschool. Some that i met starting middleschool, in sixth grade i was hoping this day would never come, but it's right around the corner. But anything can happen. i had a freind move in kindergarten and he came back in 8th. All i say to my self is to move along, and leave the past and think about the future and make new friends.
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New Member
Glendale, AZ
I too will be leaving really close freinds once going into highschool. Some that i met starting middleschool, in sixth grade i was hoping this day would never come, but it's right around the corner. But anything can happen. i had a freind move in kindergarten and he came back in 8th. All i say to my self is to move along, and leave the past and think about the future and make new friends.

yeah...I was hoping this day would b far away....when I was in 5th grade, I would look at the "big kids" and say ohh I wonder what it's like being that big and tall! NOw that I'm's no picnic....I want to go to highschool, but I don't......its all so u got all the BS going around in the higher grades lol....Good luck in HS :)

I know how you feel. It's hard to leave your friends behind because as you know, things and people can change so much in a years time, especially when you're young. Your true friends will always be there for you, and what you will find as you get older (like me!) you will be able to count your friends, your true friends, on one hand. Good luck in high school this fall.

thanks for the good luck Kelli :) I hope everything turns out ok. I want to have a party b4 summer ends and school starts with my sevie friends(to say goodbye-ish) and another a few days after graduation for all my 8th grade friends to celebrate 9 years of grade school done and over with and PAR-TAY!!!! :D it's gonna be sad but its gonna be a BLAST!!!!!!!


It's hard, but you will be making new thats a plus


New Member
awwww. Emily. I am sorry that you are sad. Change is a hard thing to deal with....yeah even for us old timers. Going to a new place or new school or a new point in your life can be really frightening but it can also turn out wonderful. Sometimes through that change you meet the friend that you will have for the rest of your life. My 14 year old dreaded going to the high school from the jr. high last year. He has made some new friends this year and has adjusted well. You are not alone in how you feel. Remember just one year from now and your seventh grade friends will be over there with you and probably alot of them will be just as aprahensive about will be there to help them realize that it's not so bad. Enjoy this year and I promise you that next year will have a way of working itself out for usually does. best wishes and feel better better.


New Member
Glendale, AZ
thanks ruby :). I'm not worried about leaving the school, I'm just worried about leaving my friends......its gonna be hard but I know I'll get through with it...or at least try :main_laugh: there ain't no stopping the future from coming ;) haha. Plus, like you said, I have the sevies coming in a year after lolz. It will be a relief for them to have someone they already know there who will welcome them with open arms and help them settle in :)
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Aussie Reptile Keeper
Hey Bubblez,

Its not easy, moving on and leaving good friends behind. I was in high school in london, England when i emigrated to Australia with my family 14 years ago. I had great friends their that i grew up with. It wasn't easy at first but you soon move on. I had to start high school from the first grade again(that sucked) because the education systems between the two counties are so different. I hated it at first but i did it and made new friends.

Sometimes things move faster than you would like them too and you get in a comfort zone so to speak and like the way things are. Part of life's beauty is change, you've got to flow with it and be ready for whatever may come. After high school i lost contact with all my friends and joined the workforce. As time went on i made more friends. Be positive, you will find your true friends will always stay in touch but be open to the possibility of making more. High school although you may hate it at first is one of the best and most memorable times of your life. Its one of those times in life that you will always remember. Be positive and enjoy it :)



New Member
Glendale, AZ
thanks for t he kind words guys :). I'm not worried about high school anymore, I just don't want to leave the school I'm at now....I guess whatever happens happens I'll just go with the flow lol. thanks guys :heart:

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