Just Another nOOb!

Will Walker

New Member
Crewe, VA
Hello all. My name is Will and I am new to the site, and fairly new to Geckos. I have been raising snakes all my life, so when a friend decided to get rid of her Leopard Gecko she thought of me. I was pretty apprehensive at first, however after a few weeks with the lil guy I became obsessed. So obsessed, in fact, that I purchased two more Leos.

I love my snakes, don't get me wrong. But honestly I feel like these animals have much more personality.

My male Leo, Jackson, is an adult normal. I am unsure of his age, but it is clear he was well cared for and has been a joy to have in my home. The other two are both baby females, also normal. I have yet to name them.

I would love to show off some pictures and will do so once I am more familiar with this forum. I look forward to meeting some of you, learning and hopefully becoming a member of your community.

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