Just cleaning bins today...

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
I recently sent my 2.9 group of TUG CT's and a HISS electric tang to my partner in NJ now that they're done breeding. I got tired of all the orange. :main_no: I'm so used to spending hours scrubbing bins clean, and it took me like 20 minutes this time. So much easier.
I'm restarting my collection, from scratch. So far, off to a good start. 2 are babies, 1's a juvie. I'll be buying more as the year comes to a close.
First one's GiGi. My mentally retarded hypochondroplasia (diagnosed by geneticist) dwarf. She's not a breeder, but boy is she gorgeous. Has to be my favorite. 29g, 1 1/2 years old.

My banded RAPTOR, who can't seem to get fat? 8 inches long. Luther/Louie/Lu-bug

Normal little one. Elliott

And my newest add, Lydia, just lavender red stripe cross. Still a baby, in shed in the picture, I'll get one after her shed. Colors are amazing when she's bright.

Boy it's easy when you only have 4!!! Can't wait to add more variety.

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
They're really nice!

And the four "pet only" that you sold me are in a lovely home! The underbite one is a male, the rest are females. The girls are in 40long natural viv displayed at a vets office!!! And the underbite one is with my friend Kayla. =D I loved them too much to sell them, so I gave them to people who'd love them as much as I did. And boy does Dr. Boyer love his new little leos. Lol! They're spoiled rotten.


Ghoulish Geckos
And the four "pet only" that you sold me are in a lovely home! The underbite one is a male, the rest are females. The girls are in 40long natural viv displayed at a vets office!!! And the underbite one is with my friend Kayla. =D I loved them too much to sell them, so I gave them to people who'd love them as much as I did. And boy does Dr. Boyer love his new little leos. Lol! They're spoiled rotten.

That's great to hear! So the little one ended up male? I guess that doesn't surprise me. I loved him! I'm glad they're all doing well.:)

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