Just curious how you get rid of the Juvi's?


New Member
Hi, I am just curious to how different breeders manage to get rid of the Juvi's after breeding a pair of Leo's, and if they seem to go quickly. I would like to breed a pair just to get another Leo or two that is a second generation of my pair.

But what about the rest of the Juvi's? I am not one to get into the shipping part of it. So then I imagine what's left is just simply if a local shop will take them, or classifieds such as local paper, or Craigslist. Are there other venues I am not thinking of? Or does someone have creative ideas on selling or Rehoming the remainder?

So the questions are:

1) Where do you go?

2) How quickly do they go?



New Member
Clearwater, FL
No they don't go quickly lol the market is flooded so unless you have some pretty awesome morphs you wont sell them quickly. You could possibly sell them on craigslist but even that market is flooded. You cant sell to pet stores or online or at shows without a permit (or atleast in Florida that is the case) and even then the pet stores may not take them because they already have a supplier. You spend more money the first couple years of breeding instead of making money. One breeding pair averages 14-15 babies. If your going to breed you need to know that you may be "stuck" with all or some of them if they wont sell. If it were me it wouldn't be worth my time or money just to breed so you can have 1 offspring but thats just me.

they are addicting though lol watch out or soon you will be like me with 14 geckos lol


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
They aren't easy to sell in your market area if you don't have some connections. Pet shops may say they want them, then when you take them in, it could be a different story. And you walk out with what your went in with. There are some on kingsnake that look for wholesale lots, but that involves shipping, and small periodic quantities won't be advantageous for a business to resell. If you are set on having a baby from your pair, any other eggs could be destroyed once you have your hatchling. Nothing wrong with not bringing more into the world.

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