Just got a leo!



Hey guys! My name's Darcie, I'm new to reptile forums in general here.

Okay... So I never had a reptile before, then my awesome friend (BettaDragon on the forums) handed me her leo (don't ask me the morph... I always say she's short, fat, and looks like mustard) one day. I swear I fell in love, she was such a sweetheart. True, her blizzard is INSANE and I think he secretly wants to kill me, but I was undeterred. Sappho was sort of an impulse buy, but I think I'm addicted now and I seriously want to get another in a year or so! I really love this little animal here. She's a bold stripe that I got from RyVal at the Hamburg convention (thanks guys!), and originally I went in looking for a high yellow. I handled Sappho and a high yellow while I was there, and Sappho was not the prettier gecko but she was so sweet and tame I couldn't pass her up! :D

Anyway, here's my baby. She likes to try and help me play my online games, that's what she's doing here.


(Haha, I just realized you can actually read the conversation in my game. No biggie, I was making my friend guess what my birthday presents were. Long string of inside jokes. *blush*) :eek:



Thank you! She's a huge computer geek, always wants to see what I'm doing. Only got her a month ago, and now I already want another one... Maybe in a year or so!


New Member
lol, just like her owner. Careful, she might get addicted to the screen and become... *gasp* a couch potato! Couch potatoes are far less entertaining to have around than leopard geckos so we must cut the addiction...right...now... j/k Sleepy ha-has here... Welcome to the forums. My little attention hog tends to make people want to buy leos... Leos are a good addiction to have. Me thinks you won't last a year till the next one but who knows...


I know... You're probably right. I'll try very hard, but it's doubtful. I won't get one in February! I'd need the extra time to save money for another setup anyway. We're very happy. She just shed again and DIDN'T try and maul me this time when I helped her toes, and she's sort of eating again. I wish she were a little fatter, but I'll get her there. She says hi from her place on my leg. And I redecorated her home, it's all pretty now. Got it at that pet store up the street that we all know overprices things, but I couldn't wait 'til February, and it wasn't THAT bad.

It was a little sad, though. They had a giant doom gecko in there with a tiny one that seemed like it hatched like a day ago, and I don't know much about leos but it looked like it already lost a tail once... Hm. The actual terrarium wasn't too bad, but they had a heat lamp so I'm guessing no underbelly heat. Sigh. But yes! I'm here now. And I do blame you for causing this addiction. :D


New Member
lol, I've gotten so many people wanting geckos, it's ridiculous. I must know what you put in the tank. I still demand an "Isle of Lesbos" sign in there somewhere. It's a requirement since her name is Sappho.


The warm hide can be the Isle of Lesbos, we'll find a way to attach a flag. The cool hide is a REALLY tall mountain looking thing. It needs an Olympus flag. :D


Thanks! I know, she's so cute! I think she's a little skinny, though... I'd like her tail to be a bit fatter, not sure if she's too skinny or if she'll fatten up as she ages.


New Member
The warm hide can be the Isle of Lesbos, we'll find a way to attach a flag. The cool hide is a REALLY tall mountain looking thing. It needs an Olympus flag. :D

Haha! me and Cris were discussing coming over there and giving the tank a total Greek makeover. We were bored in class today and didn't quite want to watch the end of "Miracle of Life"...

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