This lovely lady just arrived this morning Tremper Albino Eclipse ph Blizzard, two solid red-eyes. Ovulating and just weighed in at 50.1g. She will be paired with my Tremper Jungle male once she has settled a bit. Thanks Nancy! Jynx.
I love her Glad you approve! I just can't get over how stunning she is...great job! As I showed her off to the family today everyone commented on how amazingly healthy she is, just thought you should know .
Me and Jessie decided that shes just too ugly to be around your other geckos so you should send her to us j/k shes gorgeous, congrats on your new addition!!
Thanks losers And I would not part with this lovely but I should have at least one hatchling for you soon. Geico's first egg is due any day and the second I'm predicting somewhere around May 15th. I'm a few behind with the I.O.U's for hatchlings lol but I will get there.
Thank you Enigmaslim & Debbie and yes, Nancy's geckos are amazing...took me a few days to pick out which one I wanted lol...but I will definitely be back for more