Just ordered Herpstat 1 Basic Redline and GEO's for my hovabator...what else? :D


New Member
My girls are getting close to that magical time when they will be making babies. :D

Just ordered 8 GEO's (with cups and substrate) and a Herpstat 1 basic Redline, and I already have a Hovabator.

What else do I need to get ready? :) This is my first breeding season, and they will be mating in about 2 weeks or less. :D


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
hatchling supplies, and a thermometer, but i bet you already have those! :D can't wait to see what babies you produce! Can i ask what pairings you are planning for this season?


New Member
hatchling supplies, and a thermometer, but i bet you already have those! :D can't wait to see what babies you produce! Can i ask what pairings you are planning for this season?

I've got the rack, heat, tubs, waterbowls, temp probes, cricket colony (or atleast cricket habitat for ordering/maintaining in bulk....if they never reproduce), Multivitamins, D3, and a giant tub of Calcium-D3. What else am I missing? :D
I've got 4 females quickly approaching "weight":

g1, Jungle tremper albino het eclipse (ovulating)
g3, raptor (ovulating)
g4, "striped raptor" (not ovulating)
g6, raptor (ovulating)
I have 2 male raptors for the females, but I am considering, against logic, to start testbreeding my blizzard with the g4 "striped raptor."

This pairing would give me ALL: "wild/normal" 100%het tremper, 100%het Eclipse, 100%het blizzard. Crossing 2 of these hatchlings together next year would give me some blizzards, some trempers, some eclipse, and a slight chance at raptors and blazing blizzards. This would be a "fun" project and I would sell the extra hatchlings locally as "pet only".


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
i dont see anything missing in that description! those are going to be some very pretty babies! can i ask why you want them as pet only? im just curious :D


New Member
i dont see anything missing in that description! those are going to be some very pretty babies! can i ask why you want them as pet only? im just curious :D
The trempers will produce quality, but any hatchlings from the blizzard will be unproven/pet-quality (not recommended for breeding projects).

The blizzard is from a petstore so he has "unknown genetics/hets". So it would take a couple of seasons of genetically planned breeding before any future hatchlings can be reasonably "cleansed" of unknown hets.

For example if my blizzard came from a mass-breeder for petstores and he happens to have 2 different albino hets (which is VERY possible because one mass-breeder even says on the website, "no guarantee on what albino strain(s) you get....we don't have time to keep up with that stuff"):

1st season with a raptor female produces: "wild" het raptor, 50% het "unknown"
2nd season, hatchling x hatchling: (misc combination of tremper, eclipse, blizzard) with minor possibility of "unknown hets"
3rd season: "(misc) with minor possibility of unwanted hets" x whatever = further reducing the risk of unknown hets.
4th season: further reduction of possibility of unknown hets.

and even then, the hatchlings have not been PROVEN to be free of the unknown hets. I would have to breed my current blizzard to a bell female and a rainwater female to PROVE he is free of other albino strains.
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New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
ahhhh. okay, now that all makes sense! sounds like a possible genetic nightmare if i were to add those to any projects! Thank you for taking the time to explain that! i still can't wait to see what you produce this year though! :D


New Member
ahhhh. okay, now that all makes sense! sounds like a possible genetic nightmare if i were to add those to any projects! Thank you for taking the time to explain that! i still can't wait to see what you produce this year though! :D

Yep. "unknown possible hets" = "muddying up the waters" (so the muddy babies are pet quality). Atleast until i clear up the muddy water. From my understanding, the one absolute no-no is crossing albino strains. So the key to quality is verifying what he carries and especially verifying that he doesnt carry more than one strain of albino.

If i breed him to a tremper and they make no trempers, then he didnt have tremper. Next I would need to buy a rainwater and bell to testbreed (and verify "not het" for them either. Only then would i consider describing all his hatchlings as anything more than "pet quality".......and at that time, i would have a tremper line, rainwater line, and a bell line....all of which would be "het blizzard". :D

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