


Hey everyone- Just curious, but whats the temperment like, from your experience, with Kenyan sand boas? I've been thinking of getting one, though I only have experience with another person's boas, feeding and handling. I have never housed one of my own.

I like brazilians too, but I'm just not sure what the best boa to start out with is?

Any ideas?

I do have experience handling huge snakes, just have not housed a boa.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Kenyans are on my want list, also. (We raise RTB and are trying to get something a little more space-efficient, ya know?) From what I've heard, they have wonderful temperments and are easily handled. Some have had problems getting their husbandry right, (temps, humidity, etc.) but all in all thats been the biggest obstacle I've heard about.
ReptileMan27 has a beautiful Brazilian, so I'm sure he could give you some of the perks of having a BRB.

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I have a Kenyan...he's the only one I have experience with...but he's great! He's tried to nip at me a few times when picking him up....but never seriously. He's never once tried to bite anyone while holding him...even when I've been rubbing retained skin off him. He's a really great little snake


I had a fair sized group of Kenyans, they can be nippy as babies but most of them grow out of it. I kept them on Sani-Chips or Aspen, they like it hot hot hot! But generally never refuse a meal! If you need anymore help just ask! :)


New Member
Central California
Kenyan sand boas are awesome!! :) I have a pair that I've had for quite a while now. They are both extremely docile and have never tried to nip at all. The female is always on the lookout for food, so I am more cautious around her now that she's bigger - but still she's never tried to bite. It is amazing how she has grown. They started off the same size, now she's like 3 times bigger than him! I also have a baby albino ksb that I got in January. She bit me once while I was taking pictures of her a few days after she arrived, but has never tried since.


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
ive had a couple groups, and bought, and sold quite a few more.... ive never been bit, or even struck at.


thanks everyone!! If they like it so hot, I am assuming they would prefer a hot terrarium instead of a rack box. It might be fun actually to build a desert terrarium for one.

Nevin let me know if you have any for sale, and I an come by Manasas or Hamburg.


nicolenadia said:
thanks everyone!! If they like it so hot, I am assuming they would prefer a hot terrarium instead of a rack box. It might be fun actually to build a desert terrarium for one.

Nevin let me know if you have any for sale, and I an come by Manasas or Hamburg.

I kept mine in a Rack system seems to hold the heat in better :)


New Member
New York
I recently got my first KSB, very cool snakes and generally docile. As said above I do also have a BRB. They are my favorite boa species and one of my all time favorite snakes.. I wouldnt reccomend them for a first time snake keeper. They are not as forgiving as many other species, they need the high hummidity. KSBs however would make a great first,second, or 100th snake lol..


New Member
I love KSBS they are great. I bought a trio a while back, Afordable, nice temperment ect only think I don't like is I have to use sand instead of aspen bedding. Some won't eat f/t I've read, mine do.
I perfer rosies if I had a chance to switch my first time snake.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
mynewturtle said:
I love KSBS they are great. I bought a trio a while back, Afordable, nice temperment ect only think I don't like is I have to use sand instead of aspen bedding. Some won't eat f/t I've read, mine do.
I perfer rosies if I had a chance to switch my first time snake.

I agree, my first (and only) snake is a rosy boa. They are basically a sand boa but gets a little bigger, and has a different eye setting. They are very docile and mine has never show aggression towards me at all. I find they don't burrow as much compared to the KSB too. Mine hardly burrows at all and is usually in plain sight.

My cousin has a sand boa though and I would as easily recommend one of those as a good snake too. They are also very docile and are smaller then a rosy.

Both like it hot with little humidity, can be kept in smaller vivs, and are just an over all joy to keep.

Heres a pick of my man McLovin.
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