Kids and Geckos. Anybody with experience?


Snow Gecko
I have a three year old and right now my tank is up high but have considered putting it low on the table next to my desk.
How well do Geckos deal with kids watching them, maybe poking the glass? U know kid stuff. And how well do they deal with noise like music or kids screaming? He came from a pet shop where Im sure kids tapped a lot.
I dont let mine act like that around the tank but it could happen when im not around or something.
Im just not sure I should or shouldnt put it lower. Any experience with kids and geckos?


New Member
goffstown NH
Okay well I'm not 3 but I have reptiles and im 13... I got into reptiles when i was like proably 6 i think and i got a gecko and i played around with it a ton doing just dumb stuff ya know sorrta what you were talking about. When i was 7-9 I didnt even pay attion to them munch just fed them and cleaned and all that stuff. Ones i was k10 i got into them again and i take really good care of them :) I think its more of just you need to teach or learn what your up aginst like not tapping the glass and stuff... But then again its way different with a 3 yr old.



Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
well since geckos are nocturnal and pretty much sleep during the day, your 3 year old will be interested for ohhhh, about 5 minutes before finding something else to do. there are hides made that will allow you to see inside when the leo is sleeping, but again not very exciting for a 3 year old. i think you would be ok moving the enclosure down if needed. however know that geckos can get startled by loud noises and they can drop their tails.


Snow Gecko
Yeah I figured that might be the case. "OOOoooh! A tank with nothing in it... cool."
Or it could be "Hmmm nothing in there. Hes sleeping... WAKE UP!!" *knock knock*

Lady Hyena

New Member
Agree with them loosing interest but what about handling? you didnt mention that.... My cousins(dont have kids) who are younger find them so cute>.> Its emncly hard to keep them from bothering them when handling. Its all about teaching them to respect the animal. I have heard of some leos dropping there tails from fear(aka a cat coming out of no where ext) so that maybe a issue. just make sure you have enough hides for it to stay hiden from the 3 yr old and i bet in 10 years the then 13 year old will be best buddies with the gecko:D


New Member
Just make sure if you have slidey doors that they cant be opened that easily, apart from that it should be fine! :)


Snow Gecko
its a top lid so im ok there cause the lights are on top and it has locks. Im the only one who will hold him too so I should be ok.


New Member
Trust me, I have a 3yo 14yo and 10yo a wife a cat and a pit bull if they are alright in my house they will be alright in yours


New Member
I have a three year old and right now my tank is up high but have considered putting it low on the table next to my desk.
How well do Geckos deal with kids watching them, maybe poking the glass? U know kid stuff. And how well do they deal with noise like music or kids screaming? He came from a pet shop where Im sure kids tapped a lot.
I dont let mine act like that around the tank but it could happen when im not around or something.
Im just not sure I should or shouldnt put it lower. Any experience with kids and geckos?

I'm ten and have a beautifly tame gecko and they would problably fine if you have your little munchkins poked on the glass.But if you put it lower make sure they cant kick it.


little sunny island
i think you will have to let your kid handle the gecko when you're around and teach him slowly that he has to handle the small animal with care. and let him know what to do and what not to do. tell your kid gently that he has to be gentle with the animal and most importantly, dont squeeze the gecko or pull its tail! :)

kids have to interact with the animals so that they know whats going on. like little kids with dogs or cats. they will grow up to love animals when they are taught properly to treat all animals with love and patience. all kids have to learn! if not they might go up to be saddists who torture poor animals for the fun or kick of it.
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New Member
North Carolina
I got my first gecko when my daughter was 3 and things went pretty good. I allowed her to watch at first and then when I had her out I would let my daughter lightly touch her. Now she holds them while I clean if I need her. She is amazing with my lizards, turtle, cat, and three dogs. As far as your gecko goes I think it would depend upon the gecko. I seem to have more than a few social geckos so it's almost like they enjoy the insanity of my house. I have a reptile room but a few of them refuse in their own gecko way to be in the reptile room and actually prefer the living room or kitchen. I think educating kids early and letting them really get to know an animal is awesome.


New Member
Elgin, Tx
Our reps, leo, beardie and ball python, are kept in my son's room which is also the family hang out room. We game and everything in there so it's pretty noisy at times and at least 4 people active, plus 2 small yappy dogs and at least 1 of 4 cats in there. Our 8 birds are kept at the other end of the house. Griff, our leo, doesn't seem to mind the noise so far and he's been with us for a few months. Handling is done when he's awake at night and it's just family around. He's still a little "flighty" for a 1yr old leo.


New Member
Austin, Texas
It all depends on your child and the leo. If your leo is very skiddish, then you would know to have her behave well around the leo. My beau doesn't mind music or any loudness... I have a quaker parrot and he likes to scream when he gets excited I was SO nervous he would get freaked out by that. He doesn't mind, he's very calm. Same with holding, I would let little kids hold him and he doesn't care -he's a very calm leo.

But there are others that hate being held.

So it all comes down to your child and your leo ;)

Hope that helped! Good Luck!


New Member
Miami, FL
Please remember that children, especially 3 year olds, have underdeveloped immune systems. Something that our bodies as adults can fight off could easily make a small child very sick.

I tell my clients that reptiles really shouldn't be held by children younger than 8. Children that handle reptiles should be responsible enough to know not to put their fingers in their mouths. That being said, people are obviously going to have different opinions on this. Make sure any child that touches ANYTHING that has to do with reptiles (even if it's just a container of calcium or something) they must wash their hands thoroughly.

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