Knowledge is power!


Eagle Lake, Florida, United States
I don't want this to seem like it is rant but in turn I think it will. I know there are a lot of knowledgeable people on here for many different aspects of the leopard gecko world, care, and husbandry. No Herpetologists that I know of on here but a lot of well informed hobbyists and small to mid ranged breeders. Most questions get answers that suffice with the knowledge that is on here and help out a lot of the hobbyists and the breeding community. What I also find is a lot of questions that shouldn't even have to be asked let alone answered. The notorious what morph is my gecko seems to be the most irritating out of all of them. If you don't trust your breeder with what they have said they sold you you shouldn't of bought from them. To come to someone else that knows nothing about the genetics and post a picture saying what is this is just wrong on your part and wrong on anyone else's part to answer it. It may look like this or look like that but no one really knows so why ask and more importantly why answer knowing that you are only fueling ignorance. I personally have 4 pet store leo's all look like certain morph's but guess what they get labeled normal mutts because there is no genealogy to back any of them. My other 3 were bought from breeders that can give me genetic background on top of just giving me a morph. This is only my pet peeve of a question. The rest are the simple ones. That should never need to be brought up if you only did minimal research before you bought your new pet. I am starting to find that even the more informed people on here are giving up on wanting people to be educated and give in to what is becoming the norm. I guess what I am saying is there is a lot of fun stuff on here and a lot of good people I just think we need to get back to being informative when needed and cut the cord on a lot of the "stupid" questions. I am not a self touting person and definitely still have more questions than answers in the leo world. I just want to see more people succeed and less self proclaimed experts give out miss information or fuel helplessness among the group. Correct me if you think I am wrong, agree with me if you think I am right, or ignore me completely I just wanted to get that off my chest.


Lancaster Park, AB
I agree completely, all of the "what morph is this" threads are really starting to bug me, lol.

It bugs me even more when I see people who have bred their Geckos and are posting to ask outright what morph their babies are. If they knew the genetics of the Parents then they should be able to easily tell what the babies are.

I am 100% completely against breeding any Geckos that aren't bought from a reputable/ethical breeder with all know genetics though so people that buy or "rescue" random Geckos and breed them make me so angry!

Anyways, that is all, lol.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I can understand the frustration with repeated questions. I usually skip the "my gecko isn't eating" threads since I've already said all I have to say about the topic in 2 Gecko Time articles. I do remember, though, being a new gecko owner 10 years ago and not knowing that there even was something called a "morph". Hopefully we'll have an everpresent supply of people who don't mind answering the same questions repeatedly (there are certain topics where I am willing to respond over and over). What's old hat to us is new to someone else. I don't even mind telling people over and over that it's not recommended they breed if they don't know the potential outcomes of what they're breeding. I do feel strongly, though, that if we can educate even one person by patiently answering their questions (or skipping the thread and leaving it for someone else) it's better than alienating an innocent questioner by telling them that their questions are stupid. I'm not objecting to your rant --I have moments when I feel the same way-- but I want to continue to encourage new people to ask questions because there are enough people on here that are willing to deal with certain topics so your questions will ultimately be answered (but it doesn't hurt to try to search the forums first).
Hope this isn't too incoherent; it's pretty late here.


Ghoulish Geckos
I really try to help when I can, but it seems like we're getting a lot of newbies that won't listen to the advise given. It does get frustrating. But as Aliza pointed out, we all were beginners with questions. The main difference I see is that a lot of people don't want to do the research and want you to tell them everything. I would love if people would research the basics and then ask for help. And if they follow the advice instead of arguing it. ;)


Eagle Lake, Florida, United States
Oh I am not saying don't answer questions in the least. I am still very new to the gecko world in the eyes of the community as well as my own. But I also bought between 5 and 6 different books to have my own reference materials. My main pet peeve is that people don't even attempt to do their own research or are asking questions such as the morph one that they shouldn't be asking. A little research goes along way and is necessary if you are going to own any type of pet let alone an exotic. Why are purchases being made without any type of knowledge of what you are getting into. I mean I am going to start breeding next season and the main reason for that is so I can be fully prepared for it. I had 2 males and 3 females that could of been bred this year and I did not because one I didn't have the equipment and supplies to start off safely and two I hadn't done enough research to warrant me feeling comfortable bringing babies into this world with out knowing what was in store. I mean I had a friend from High School find me on facebook and run me through the gambit of everything they needed to get their 8 year old a gecko. I in turn almost wanted to tell them not to get one at all but instead told them everything they needed to house one successfully. I just hope the parents know how much work they are going to have to put into it. The reptile world in general seems to be a very tight knit community and always wants to help one another which is great. I just feel that sometimes we are running in circles with people that are asking questions that truly don't want to be educated and only want to be heard or hear themselves. The notorious well I researched it and don't like your answer bugs me to no end. Well if you researched your question and are happy with the answer you found why waste our time. I know alot of us on here have our own families, jobs, and countless other things we could be doing but we take our own time out of the day to try and help others to only be dismissed like none of us know what we are talking about.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Yes, the people who give careful responders that runaround are really frustrating and as soon as I figure out who they are I just ignore them. I guess what I was posting about before was the situation where those types of people foul the scene for people who truly want to learn because everyone is so burned out on the annoying ones.



New Member
Well everyone starts out as a newbie and it gets annoying. But these are future members, so to get this place going its important to help answer even the questions that seem dumb. Just my 2 cents


New Member
Southern California
I think everyone has the right to ask questions even if someone thinks it a stupid question, or a smart question. We all start of knowining little to nothing about something, asking questions and doing research is learning. We all need to learn, but maybe doing research first, then asking questions after is the correct order :). I do agree before buying a gecko and planning on breeding it that you should know the exact possible outcomes. For the ones who bred first and decided to ask questions after ... Again do the research you can find almost anything now a days with the Internet or even on old post here. This is a wonderful site with awesome members.


New Member
United States
I LOVE this thread. It bugs me to no end when I see people asking questions about breeding AFTER they have already bred their geckos. Or like we have discussed on TLGF, when people ask about a health issue that the gecko NEEDS a vet and so that's what we advise, and they respond, "Well I can't do a vet, so what else can I do that doesn't cost any money?" I know vets can be expensive, but vet bills are a given with any pet.
I could go on and on, because yes, when I first got my leos, I had some newbie questions, but within months I did enough research and understanding to become a moderator on a forum and design my breeding projects. I feel I have a lot of facts and opinions to offer whomever is willing to listen and actually follow through

Sent via Tapatalk whilst caring for Eublepharis macularis'


Lancaster Park, AB
Haven't read all replies but I just wanted to point out that the reason some questions bug me that are asked over and over and over bother me so much because they are questions that could be answered SO easily if you just punched the question in to Google.

Like asking what morph a Gecko is. Do your research, go on Leopard Gecko Wiki and READ, use the genetics calculator to find out what babies your Gecko could have and make your own conclusions.

On Forums like these since it IS so easy to just ask other people to find the answer for you, people are getting SO lazy and just aren't thinking anymore.

I am a member of a Facebook group for the Military Base that I live on and it annoys me to no end when people post on the group's page asking stuff like "What time is the pool open?" or, "Where is there a place that delivers Chinese food?". Pick up the phone and call! Or go on Google and take 2 minutes to find the answer yourself.

Sorry for my rant but this is something that has really been bothering me lately, people are just so freaking lazy.

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