Lasting eye problem post infection


New Member
British Columbia
Bomani - Leopard Gecko:
9 years old, female, weight unknown (healthy size, thick tale, she's always been a smaller gecko)
Primary diet: mealworms placed in dish with calcium+d supplement
20 gallon tank, 3 hides, 90 on hot and 70 on cool side. Moist hide in the middle. Reptile carpet as substrate.
NO under tank heating

In March of 2016, my Leo stopped eating and became very thin. She was on a diet of crickets, which she had her whole life. I had previously attempted worms, but she refused to eat them. Took her to the vet (not a reptile vet, only one in town is a regular vet who will accept lizards due to some past experience with them). Vet said it was likely a parasite, but couldn't determine why due to the fact that I keep a very clean cage and good temps. No tests done. I could tell she was hungry and managed to get her to attempt to eat a cricket, which she chewed a little and spat out. I eventually got her on worms after weeks of coaching. She gained all of her weight back and began eating 10-12 worms a couple of times a week. She learned that the worms went in the calcium dish and would lay in it when she was ready for more food hehe.

So anyways, Bo was healthy for almost a year. In February of this year, I noticed her eyes closed and that she wasn't eating her worms. I examined her and could tell she had an infection, likely due to a recent bad shed (which I think was from poor temps. The temps have remained steady for years but my power went out in the winter and the ambient air temperature fluctuated greatly for a week). I used a q-tip and saline to gently wipe her eyes. Pieces of old shed were removed but the eyes remained cloudy and kept shut when I didn't open them. I took her to the same vet, who prescribed an antibiotic ointment for 2 weeks twice a day.

Her eyes cleared nicely. However, she still keeps her eyes closed! Since then, she still does not eat. I keep her sustained on a caloric and vitamin supplement that I rub on her mouth and she licks. She has not lost any weight (phew). I got her to eat one worm on two occasions. Normally, she will go to town on the worms!

My question is, why does she still keep her eyes closed (and subsequently not eat as she can't see her food) even though the infection has cleared? I've watched her drink water as usual, so she will open her eyes if she hears a noise or I pick her up. But other than that, they remain shut or she closes them after a couple minutes of me holding her. Pupils react appropriately to light. She can see.

Also, her waste is not normal. Maybe from not eating? When she does get some substance in her belly, the fecal part appears normal. The urates however appear squiggly and are not well formed. Almost waxy and stringy looking?

She doesn't appear to be stressed since her eyes cleared. She is less active than before, but not lethargic. She handles as usual (she's never loved it) but will explore her surroundings and move about.

Has anyone dealt with bad eye infections or had lasting negative side effects?


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