Leo looks to have hemorrhoids?


New Member
I had a scare today with the juvenile leo I got a month ago. He/she had her first shed today, she had been not very active and I noticed the pale look so decided to give her a warm bath to help shed. I thought I was doing a good thing and gently helped the skin off. It came off quite easily and I def did not yank anything or force it off but noticed that all the sudden she had a bulge coming out of her rectum. It seemed to go down a bit in just a short amount of time. I put her back in her cage and she went and hid. Hoping this is something that corrects itself.***

****UPDATE**** Very thankful just a few hours later when I checked on Lizzy, everything was back into place. Nice and healthy and doing well :)
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
I don't have a picture so I can only guess. Sometimes, usually a male, but sometimes a female can have a "prolapse" where some of what's inside the vent (in the case of a male it would be the hemipenis) can come out. The general treatment is to use sugar water, karo syrup or (believe it or not) Preparation H to help shrink the tissues and let them go back where they belong. It also may be that you just temporarily exposed what is just inside the vent by pulling. You didn't do anything wrong, but a better suggestion is to provide a humid hide (if you haven't do so already) in the cage and wait to "help" the gecko shed until it seems as if it's done as much of the job itself as it can.


Staff member
3 Year Member
acpart pretty much covered it. You'll want to make sure this gets taken care of ASAP. Photos would be very helpful if you can post them! :)


New Member
Thank you so much and sorry for the late reply. Luckily "Lizzy" had already been soaking, and I do provide her/him a humid hide in the terrarium as well. I woke later that night and started doing more research and read about the 'prolapse' and such, went to check on Lizzy and and happy to report, everything was back in place!!!! Our Leo is doing great :) She (my daughter insist it's a girl although I'm thinking after this incident we have a male lol) has even shed (her head area) again. This time I left her alone and just made sure her humid hide was nice and moist and she shed easily. Thank you! I did take a neat picture of the first shed (before Lizzy had the prolapse incident) I'll post cause it was really cool looking....or at least I thought so IMGP5814.JPG !


New Member
Thank you and yes, that's what I thought was so neat about it, all intact with little skin gloves and a mask LoL


Well-Known Member
Haha shes really cute, If she doesnt get shed off on her own always take it off 1 - 2 days after. Old shed stays stuck on the fingers and begins to sink in to the skin, Infecting it and causing fingers to fall off. Achilles had to deal with that 2 months ago on one finger I thought was free of shed because of his color, Dont make the mistake :(

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