leo popularity, i don't get it?


New Member
I see that as far as geckos go, leopard geckos are by far the most popular and favorited, and i don't understand how? ofcourse no offense to leo lovers, i think they are actually awesome looking and love all geckos, but i have only 1 AFT and just plan to keep it like that for awhile and my girlfriend likes how leos look and is trying to decide between the two, so i want to know what the differences between leo's and aft's are? ofcourse i know basic differences like tropical and desert but other than that I have no clue because i've never chilled with a leo long enough to check it out lol i know my gecko is just very chill and slow, are leo's more active?


Active Member
Marietta, Ga
Leo's tend to be a bit more active and not as mellow. They are great at being handled but not quite as calm as AFT's. Leo's also tend to not be as picky as eaters as AFT's. The reason they are more popular is because the variety of morphs is huge in the Leo world(there a lot of AFT morphs but no where near Leo morphs). And the morphs are not as expensive. And honestly, a lot of people just havnt owned one since they are not as popular. I love both because each gecko has it's own personality


New Member
yeah, lol my aft will not eat worms....not even a wax worm! getting him onto phoenix worms is a hard task, do leo's normally take to worms easily? my girlfriend would prefer feeding more worms than crickets and would leave me to feed the crickets, which is fine with me; less work lol she really does like my AFT but I may get her a leo, I assume they get about as big as an AFT? mine is 47G and 7 inches long....not fully grown yet but damn close


Wicked Gecko Queen
IMO with all of my leos, its been fairly easy switching them to worms(some where already use to eating worms, some weren't). Some can be more picky then others but after time, seem to switch over fairly well :)


New Member
well it looks like i am getting my girlfriend's leo on monday, this weekend we will get the tank all setup ready to put the gecko in and monday we will make the trip to the store (already have one picked out) and we will bring it home :)


New Member
palmetto FL
They are great at being handled

Not true, this is subjective to each individual leo. Its a personality trait that not all of them share and there is never a garuntee that a leo will let you handel it, even with the most effort and "training" there are easily ATFs out there that like to be handled more then a leo. However, leos hold activity and everything else you mentioned above atfs i belive.

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