Leopard Gecko afraid of Cat?


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm new here but need some desperate advice. My Leo has been having trouble lately with regurgitation. When it started she was also having trouble shedding so I took her to the vet and they took a sample of her poop to look for any parasites. It came back clean. So I was advised to change her calcium, because the calcium I was giving her was not sufficient enough, and to vary her meals, so instead of just feeding her mealworms I also feed her crickets every once in a while, and waxworms on occasion. She has no problem eating, she eats almost every day no problem. She also has not been having trouble with shedding anymore. I used to think the regurgitation was from her eating the shed because that was when I would normally see it. But I recently read something about cats frightening geckos which makes them regurgitate.

Is it true that cats can scare geckos which makes them regurgitate? If so, it makes sense because my cat will sit right next to the cage and stare into it at the gecko and sits on top of the cage lid (where I placed books so that she doesn't fall straight into the cage) staring down into the cage at the gecko.

p.s. her tail looks fine, it had shrunk slightly in the beginning after i took her to the vet, but since then has fattened up nicely again. she looks pretty healthy otherwise and does not look too lethargic.

I know this is long, but I thank you for taking the time to read it and for the future advice! Thank you!


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Of course the gecko is terrified of the cat. It's a predator waiting to kill. This whole scenario is causing undue stress for your gecko. Your tank needs to be moved to a more secure location asap.


New Member
I am in a 2 bedroom apartment currently and have no idea where else I can put the gecko to keep the cat away from it.. i'm thinking maybe it would be better to find a new home for the gecko... but have no idea even where to start for that. Any suggestions on what to do ?


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Put the gecko in one of the bedrooms and do not allow the cat in there.
As long as you have a UTH then there should be no issue with lights that will keep a person awake or anything like that. Problem solved. Cat and gecko both get to stay.


New Member
palmetto FL
^ this, i lived in a 2 bedroom appt with 3 tanks running and my cat never saw a single one. Be sure to shut the door on your way in and out.


New Member
My brother's bloody cat got into my room and jumped through the screen. I wasn't there but I hope Mort gave her a good bite for her efforts. Horrible cat. I almost strangled the thing.

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