Leopard Gecko Breeding Problem!!!!!!


New Member
So I have a male 46-49 gram, a non-ovulating female 51-54 grams, and a 56-60 gram female that is supposedly ovulating and pregnaet from another male, the breeder told me. So I put them all together like a breeding colony. There all about 1-2 years old. And I was guessing If I put a pregnant and ovulating female in there that the other one will ovulate. And I`m ready I have the time money etc. I have all the supplies and both females keep rejecting my male and now my male seems not interested in my females, WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!!!!!!!, I just want to have some baby leopard geckos, :( What can I do to make this work. They've been together for about 3 days, but still the male doesn't seem interested now that he tried a couple of times. The pregnant and ovulating female always sleeps alone. My male and the non-ovulating male always sleep together. If you need more info just reply.
Please reply as soon as possible.
THX Eric

P.S. and can the non ovulating female ovulate cause theres a pregnant female there???? and the pregnant female hasn`t been eating very much, 2-3 meal-worms a day, I did get her 4 days ago but still, I`m worried she won`t get enough nutrition.


Ghoulish Geckos
It is late in the season, so it's possible the female won't ovulate again until next season. If the one is gravid, she will most likely not eat much until she lays. Make sure she has a good lay box for her eggs. You may have to separate them if she doesn't feel comfortable and is too stressed.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
If the gravid one was with a fertile male, there's a good chance you will have babies, just not from your male. I acquired a gravid female this season. She laid a few clutches of infertile eggs and I began to suspect, from what I'd heard, that the male was too young. I introduced her to one of my males when she had visible eggs inside her and she rejected him. I re-introduced them after she'd laid her eggs and she accepted him. She's had a few fertile eggs with him and I'm awaiting the first hatch in a few weeks.


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