Leopard Gecko Eye problems


New Member
I have a 8 month old Snow Leopard Gecko(Tuesday) and she is bright eyed in her right her, but her left eye is somewhat droopy. I've came to the conclusion that she is probably blind in that eye. My question is what could have caused this? She is healthy and normal in every other way except for the eye. I do only feed her meal worms, because they are easier for me than crickets. Could this have caused it?
Would apperciate your opinions thanks!


New Member
First off coming to a conclusion by yourself without seeing a vet is very irresponsible. The gecko could have an extremely painful infection in the eye. Advice...... A giant take it to a herp vet. This site has a great list of herp vets nationwide. Not bashing you by any means just telling you the blunt truth in this situation so please don't take it as such. Good luck with your sick little one.

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