Leopard Gecko Not Eating or Leaving Cold Side

David Akuna

New Member
Hello everyone! I'm having a bit of an emergency.

My female leopard gecko (10 months or so) has not eaten anything for almost a week. She hadn't eaten much before then, but now she's completely stopped. Her water bowl has two holes in it so it can be used as a hide, and she spends all of her time curled up in there asleep. The cold side is around 70 F during the day, the warm side around 86 F. She still handles okay, but I'm concerned about how cold she always feels and how inactive she is. I feed calcium dusted mealworms, looking to maybe pick up some dubia roaches. I'm worried that she isn't getting enough to eat, and that she isn't staying warm enough. This is my first reptile, I've been a fishkeeper for several years but have always wanted a leopard gecko. I want to make sure I am doing it right.

Any help is very much appreciated! Thanks!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Some leopard geckos spend the cold time of the year on the cold side sleeping. For reptiles it's called brumating. I don't think it's so much the cold, since our homes are heated. I think it may be the amount of light. I think that as the days lengthen she will likely come out and start eating. Leopard geckos can go an awfully long time without eating, as I've discovered.


David Akuna

New Member
Oh, so that's what brumating is. Okay. I got her a few succulents (washed the roots, don't worry) and put them in her bioactive enclosure and added a plant spectrum led bulb in a spare heating bulb. Hopefully having some light will help her lack of activity.

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