Leopard Geckos

gecko freak

New Member
I've been thinking about getting a leopard gecko or a bearded dragon but i cant decide which one. I just want to know which one is easier and cheaper to take care of. So i want an opinon on which one would be better for me.:main_thumbsup:

SC Geckos

New Member
I own both but I dont think there is a right or wrong answer as far as which one is "easier".
I would suggest researching both in depth and come to your own conclusion on which would be better for you since it will be your pet.
I will say that beardies eat alot more than leos and need a more varied diet from my experience.


New Member
Bearded dragons get fairly large, so if space is an issue, go with a leopard gecko. A leopard gecko can live in a 20 gallon for life. But some people like the larger size of beardies so size is a good thing if you are looking for a larger lizard.

As for care, leopard geckos are a tad easier to care for, and they don't require basking lights. Use tiles as substrate, hook up an under tank heating pad, and setup a warm, moist, and cool hides, and you're good to go. They do eat less, no veggies required, just insects like roaches, crickets, super/mealworms, etc.. Make sure to read up on care guides to know how to supplement properly.

Both are cool animals so good luck on picking one :)


New Member
Saint Louis, MO
I researched both lizards for a few months and decided on getting a leo because the size and cost of setting up a beardie was too much at the time. I'm planning on getting one within the next year, though. Anyway, the initial set up for a beardie is a bit more expensive if you don't buy a used tank and the UVA/UVB bulb is about double the cost of a UTH (in my area.) There are expensive basking lights (like $50 here) at pet stores but I believe you can use a regular incandescent house bulb. A bigger tank (and animal) will require more decorations, bigger hides, and the lights will need a timer. So the cost will add up, too.
Leos are cheaper to set up and only seem easier because they require less variety. All in all it only really came down to the size and cost for me.


Wonder Reptiles
Leopard gecko will be less expensive set up, but if money is a big issue pets are best avoided. Vet's can be expensive and all pets have the right to be taken there if need be.


New Member
I have both. It depends on how much time you have and what you're looking for in your pet.

Leopard gecko
- much smaller enclosure
- cleaner, mine poop in litter boxes
- easier to feed, I only feed dubias to mine
- sleep during the day so if you're not a night owl, you're not going to see them very much. I go to bed very late around 2 a.m.
- for heat source, you need a heat pad and a thermostat
- low maintenance. You can even go away on vacation for a week and they'll be fine as long as you leave them enough water and mealworms. But they can actually go without food for a long time if they have enough fat reserve.

Bearded dragon
- will need a big enclosure, ideally 48" x 24" x 18". With a 36" x 18" x 18" at the minimum
- can be messy unless you can train yours to poop only during baths (that's what I'm doing with mine. She poops in seconds in a warm bath everyday.)
- need a variety of different veggies for the daily salad as well as insects
- awake during the day, sleep at night when the lights go out
- more interactive and social. Most love attention, this means you need to have a lot of time to spend with them.
- for heat source, you need a basking heat lamp and also a ZooMed ReptiSun 10.0 UVB lamp. You MUST change UVB light at least once every 6 months.
- you will need a pet sitter if you go away. Most bearded dragons do not drink water on their own. That's why you must bath them at least once a week. I soak mine in a warm bath everyday for her to poop and to absorb moisture. Also because they need a fresh salad everyday.

Embrace Calamity

New Member
It should be noted that both of these reptiles can live for quite a while, but I believe leos live longer than beardies on average. Just saying this because one of the biggest reasons people end up getting rid of reptiles is that they don't realise what a long-term commitment they are.



I have both. It depends on how much time you have and what you're looking for in your pet.

Leopard gecko
- much smaller enclosure
- cleaner, mine poop in litter boxes
- easier to feed, I only feed dubias to mine
- sleep during the day so if you're not a night owl, you're not going to see them very much. I go to bed very late around 2 a.m.
- for heat source, you need a heat pad and a thermostat
- low maintenance. You can even go away on vacation for a week and they'll be fine as long as you leave them enough water and mealworms. But they can actually go without food for a long time if they have enough fat reserve.

Bearded dragon
- will need a big enclosure, ideally 48" x 24" x 18". With a 36" x 18" x 18" at the minimum
- can be messy unless you can train yours to poop only during baths (that's what I'm doing with mine. She poops in seconds in a warm bath everyday.)
- need a variety of different veggies for the daily salad as well as insects
- awake during the day, sleep at night when the lights go out
- more interactive and social. Most love attention, this means you need to have a lot of time to spend with them.
- for heat source, you need a basking heat lamp and also a ZooMed ReptiSun 10.0 UVB lamp. You MUST change UVB light at least once every 6 months.
- you will need a pet sitter if you go away. Most bearded dragons do not drink water on their own. That's why you must bath them at least once a week. I soak mine in a warm bath everyday for her to poop and to absorb moisture. Also because they need a fresh salad everyday.

Couldn't of said it any better :) That's everything you need to know!

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