Leos wont mate?


New Member
New York
Hey guys i have finally got all my breeding supplies and now when i put the female with the male the male wiggled his tail and like the raptor female but she kept running away and just did not want to have anything to do with him. SO i tried a different female and they both had no interest in each other. What do i do now and could it be ovulation? IF it is how can i tell thanks for your help


Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
Well first and foremost you need to know if the female is ovulating. If she isn't then there is no chance of breeding until she is ready. The best way IMO to find this out is to hold the female up with her belly facing you. slowly bend her backwards this should expose her belly and show you everything you need to know. You will see 2 pink little circles in the upper left portion of her belly. This location is typically where you will see this but not 100% of the time.

If you do not see these 2 pink dots then she is not ovulating and will not breed till she does begin to ovulate.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
It is possible that putting the female in with the male may stimulate ovulation. HOwever, there are 2 things to consider:
--although some females ovualte now, this really isn't breeding season. January/Feb. is a much better time to try
--the method works best when you plan to keep the male and female(s) together throughout the breeding season (as I do) and when the male isn't overly bothering the females.


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