Let me know what ya think!


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
I have recently built a free website on weebly.com and wanted to get some reviews about it. I haven't really built a website. I haven't even dealt with computer code in some 10 years or so. I know that this might better fit into the news/website update section but I wanted more comment and suggestions about the site. I think it will work but wanted others opinions on making it better. I do pretty good getting rid of my geckos locally but thought maybe shipping a few might help me get rid of them a bit quicker overall. Let me know what ya think. I would greatly appreciate it.



Psychotic Gecko's
Dayton, Ohio
I think the only thing that really stuck out(and you probably wouldn't even notice it if you weren't paying attention lol) is on the Terms page you put "Tho" instead of "Though" lol.. Just to go on the professional scale :). But everything looks great. I mean, you could get more pictures to put here and there just for added looks if you wanted. But it looks great to me

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