Let's talk leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) Snows...


New Member
City, State
Let's talk snows...

So many people are familiar with the Incomplete Dominant/Co- Dominant Mack Snows and their super form, so for the sake of this post I would like to ignore them somewhat and focus on the Dominant TUG and GEM Snows.

I know that there are many seasoned and experienced breeders here that could possibly chime in. I would like to hear thoughts, and experiences on these two strains/lines from those that have worked with them, those that may know someone that has worked with them, or those that may have some knowledge not readily available via Google. Are GEM and TUG one in the same? Differences? Etc...



New Member
They are most likely the same.

Even if they aren't exactly the same at the genetic level, they are in regard to heritability and compatibility with other traits, especially macks.
So to me, they should be treated exactly the same, IMO.
They don't make supers together, they don't interact differently with any other traits, so there's nothing making them distinguishable at any level we can currently test.
And representative phenotypes of each don't seem to differ, at least not in any significant or reproducible manner.

But, I will admit I've only discussed this with those that have worked with gem or tug, and haven't worked with both, personally.

But also given the source of Tugs, and their snowballing reputation, that is another contributing factor as to why I wouldn't be surprised to find Tug snow is the same as gem.


New Member
City, State
Thank you for the reply. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. It seems the forums are sort of dead sometimes. I am still trying to find the best place to have such conversations these days.

Anywho... I am considering getting a pair of non-het GEMs to play with. I have an obsession with "purity" and like to do obscene amounts of research before jumping into anything. Lately I have been interested in some of the more "old school" morphs that sort of fell by the way-side, or got mixed into oblivion. Hence my original question.

Maybe eventually this will sort itself out, and end up being the Banana/Coral Glow Ball python of our hobby.

*Edit, BTW I follow your work closely on Facebook. Keep up the great work! You produce some amazing animals. :D


New Member
*Edit, BTW I follow your work closely on Facebook. Keep up the great work! You produce some amazing animals. :D

Thank you! Haven't had much time for any posting as of late, between work and the animals, but things should slow down enough for me to get a good deal of new pics to post soon :)

And Gems are great with some subspecies lineage. Sadly, my gal didn't give me squat this year, but I'll hopefully have some more pure Gems next year.

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