Life crumbling...


New Member
Seminole, Fl
I had to come apologize for not being around much on the forum. I do talk to some of you via pm/email when I get the chance. I'm going to try really hard to pop in a little more if I can. In short
we bought a business, but now prob have to sell
marriage is in trouble
and the worst-my 3.5yr old is sick and we don't know why. He's having recurring fevers-9 in 6 months, with limited or no other symptoms. We have a short list that we will hope to have some answers on in the next week or two-all the while fighting with insurance-grrrr. Top three are Epson Barr, Lyme Disease and ALL (form of childrens cancer).'s been rough going the past two months.
Gecko projects are sort of on hold right now. I have a few females still laying, oddly enough, but I'm holding off breeding until we know what's going on. I have breedings I want to do, but they'll just have to wait. I am getting some gals from Mike soon as the weather warms so that will be a little gecko light shining down :) I do finally have eggs about to be laid from my home made radar project too-so that's a yay.
ps-meant Epstein Barr, not epson
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It's a BEAUT Clark!
Marlo, I know this is going to be hard for you to believe, but I can tell you I know exactly how you are feeling right now. My husband and I are in the process of trying to open a business of our own, and it's just not going to plan even in the slightest. We are really trying hard to hold it together. I cannot imagine the health of my child adding to the worry and stress. My husband and I were married in April, so it's also putting it's strain on us because of that. We have had NO household income for the last 8 months...I'll put it that way.

Know that my good thoughts are being sent your way...I hope you guys can pull through this and be stronger than ever. I am praying for your little boy.


Mod Squad Member
Marlo, my heart goes out to you and your family. It sounds like incredibly rough waters for you right now, and just know that I will be thinking and sending the very best thoughts your way. Hang in there.

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