I am going to keep some geckos in my garage but there is no light in there, should I provide them with a light? I here they get stressed if they get too much light?
Some people think it isn't necessary. You can use a light that doesn't sit right on the cage so that it doesn;t stress them out. Like, if you put a table lamp with a shade rather than a lamp ontop of the screen, just so that the bulb isn't shining directly into the tank. That is kinda what I did (now she is in a room with a window).
You dont want to use a UVB or other bright light on the cage but im guessing since you keep it in a garage, their probly is a window. They dont need much light just a little. My herp room only gets a little light from other cages and their are little windows that look out into the rest of the basement, some sunlight comes in from their. Make sure its warm enough in the garage, garages tend to be cold.
Thanks. It is not completely dark becuase there is two other lights from my sulcata enclosure and little bit of sunshine gets in.
the garage does not get cold because I live in Miami, and the geckos will have heating pads to keep a warm side of 90.
The room temp. of the garage is usually 81F and it drops to about 75-70 at night, will this be OK for the cool side?