Liquid Calcium warning.

j&k lemmy

New Member
Ellsinore missouri
Not sure exactly where this should go but wanted to send out a warning.

I started to notice a few symptoms of MBD in one of my hatchlings and quickly ordered Fluker's liquid calcium from Amazon. I got it yesterday, there was a 2015 expiration date on the outside of the box and the directions clearly said it was safe to administer directly to the gecko. I proceeded to give two drops of it to my little 17g gal. The second it hit her tongue she started to shake her head violently and some of it splattered on my hand. It BURNED like acid. I immediately flushed the poor little geckos mouth out with water and put her back in her cage at about midnight last night. She was dead when I awoke to check on her at 7am this morning with bruising around her mouth and chest. I am horrified that my lack of caution in using a product on one of my animals resulted in their pain and death. I would caution folks to test any product they plan to administer orally to a bitty creature on their own skin and the skin of their reptiles before putting it into their mouths :(

I contacted Amazon and Flukers and they are both handling my complaint promptly and professionally. Amazon immediately put a stop to the sale of the product and Fluker's gave me their FedEx acct number so the bottle could be sent to their lab for testing. I don't know that the Fluker's product is to blame. I'm starting to think this may be a very old product that was labeled with a 2015 expiration date by the seller or the warehouse the seller purchased their goods from. I'm eager to learn what the lab tests show and get to the bottom of this. Hopefully at least two large companies will be made aware of a potentially dishonest seller or a deadly side to a commonly used and sold product.

RIP little gecko :(

Lack of caution you used as directed
It must have been mislabeled or something
Sorry about the lil gecko


Biologist & Ecologist
Miami, Fl.
I'm so sorry to hear this! That's terrible.

There are just so many reasons I don't use Fluker's products for anything. Most of the time they are absolutely mediocre, if not dangerous in certain circumstances.

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