TL;DR: I rescued a sick leopard gecko today and I'm curious if anyone can tell me his genetics.
I went to a big pet store (which I won't name) earlier today and saw a poor little baby leo. He had 2 layers of stuck shed on his head/eyes and he's really skinny. They said he was only skinny because he wouldn't eat and they were going to force feed him soon. I looked closer and he also has stuck shed on his toes and looks like he might have some MBD signs. I couldn't leave him there, so I bought him and took him home (i have 3 adult leos, but he's in a separate 10 gal). So I got him home and wiped him with a wet cloth. He was pretty ornery, we got through it. Most of the shed on his head, eyes, and toes came off, and when I was done, he became puppy dog tame. I prepped a humid hide box in his tank. I put him in his tank and dropped a couple little crickets in a dish with a couple mealies, thinking he might want to try eating after he settles in. with the shed freshly off, he ate 3 crickets and a little meal worm within 60 seconds of putting him in the tank. I am so mad at that pet store, but this little guy looks like he's gonna be a-okay.
Sorry for the rant, but I got worked up, and I also wanted to explain his condition in the pics. Anywho, I was wondering if someone could tell me what kind of morph he is? I have attached pictures. I don't know his age. I thought he might be something other than a normal because I don't see any black in him, but I don't know much about the babies. I don't care if he's another normal, he's staying with me, I'm just curious. Any help would be appreciated.
I went to a big pet store (which I won't name) earlier today and saw a poor little baby leo. He had 2 layers of stuck shed on his head/eyes and he's really skinny. They said he was only skinny because he wouldn't eat and they were going to force feed him soon. I looked closer and he also has stuck shed on his toes and looks like he might have some MBD signs. I couldn't leave him there, so I bought him and took him home (i have 3 adult leos, but he's in a separate 10 gal). So I got him home and wiped him with a wet cloth. He was pretty ornery, we got through it. Most of the shed on his head, eyes, and toes came off, and when I was done, he became puppy dog tame. I prepped a humid hide box in his tank. I put him in his tank and dropped a couple little crickets in a dish with a couple mealies, thinking he might want to try eating after he settles in. with the shed freshly off, he ate 3 crickets and a little meal worm within 60 seconds of putting him in the tank. I am so mad at that pet store, but this little guy looks like he's gonna be a-okay.
Sorry for the rant, but I got worked up, and I also wanted to explain his condition in the pics. Anywho, I was wondering if someone could tell me what kind of morph he is? I have attached pictures. I don't know his age. I thought he might be something other than a normal because I don't see any black in him, but I don't know much about the babies. I don't care if he's another normal, he's staying with me, I'm just curious. Any help would be appreciated.