Little Leo rescue question


New Member
TL;DR: I rescued a sick leopard gecko today and I'm curious if anyone can tell me his genetics.
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I went to a big pet store (which I won't name) earlier today and saw a poor little baby leo. He had 2 layers of stuck shed on his head/eyes and he's really skinny. They said he was only skinny because he wouldn't eat and they were going to force feed him soon. I looked closer and he also has stuck shed on his toes and looks like he might have some MBD signs. I couldn't leave him there, so I bought him and took him home (i have 3 adult leos, but he's in a separate 10 gal). So I got him home and wiped him with a wet cloth. He was pretty ornery, we got through it. Most of the shed on his head, eyes, and toes came off, and when I was done, he became puppy dog tame. I prepped a humid hide box in his tank. I put him in his tank and dropped a couple little crickets in a dish with a couple mealies, thinking he might want to try eating after he settles in. with the shed freshly off, he ate 3 crickets and a little meal worm within 60 seconds of putting him in the tank. I am so mad at that pet store, but this little guy looks like he's gonna be a-okay.

Sorry for the rant, but I got worked up, and I also wanted to explain his condition in the pics. Anywho, I was wondering if someone could tell me what kind of morph he is? I have attached pictures. I don't know his age. I thought he might be something other than a normal because I don't see any black in him, but I don't know much about the babies. I don't care if he's another normal, he's staying with me, I'm just curious. Any help would be appreciated.
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New Member
Very cool! Thanks for the info. We got the last shed of his other 2 toes this morning, a little bit more off the face, and he ate more bugs during the night. Its amazing what just a little attention can do for these little guys.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'm just sorry you had to buy him. They should have given him to you. If you get into the same situation again, try to get them to give the gecko to you which will mean that they don't profit from it.


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