Live plants and lighting


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
My question is to those people that have naturalistic environments or live plants in their enclosures.
What plants do you grow?
What size enclosure is used... specifically height?
What type of lighting is used, fluorescent or other?
What is used for substrate and fertilizer(not as important)?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have live plants for my day geckos, crested gecko and fat tails.
height: ranges from 12" to 24"
lighting: flourescent mostly. I did have a weaker bulb in my 12"x12"x18" enclosure for my crestie and after a few years, the split leaf fern vine I have started to lose leaves. I put a stronger one in and after a few weeks it's started getting leaves again
substrate: a layer of clay balls (hydroton), mesh, eco earth. Occasionally I put some dropper-fulls of Schultz liquid fertilizer at the base of the plants, but mostly it's gecko poop fertilizer
plants: bromiliads, pothos, anthurium, split leaf fern in the tropical enclosures. I'm always trying different stuff, sometimes from my outdoor garden and I have varying success. I've tried jewel orchids twice with no success. In the fat tail enclosure, which is more savannah, I have haworthia, jade plants and am trying an African violet which the crickets ate last time.


Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I grow bromeliads (Neoregelia and Vrisea), Ficus, Dracaena marginata, Pepperomia, Anthurium, Philodendron, Syngonium, Spathiphyllum, Selaginella, Croton, Pothos, and probably some others that I forgot.

I use either 18" or 24" tall enclosures.

Lighting is fluorescent, 48" twin tube shop lights with GE or Phillips 6500k Daylight tubes.

Substrate varies by tank, some have straight coco fiber, some use hydroton topped with spaghnum moss, and one has a peat/coco fiber/sand mix topped with bark. The only fertilizer is frog dookie.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Alright cool. I used to have a paludarium in my 45 gallon aquarium, tall aquarium 24". I used volcanic rock to make the land area and all my plants grew in just water. I chose mainly bog plants or plants that would do alright in water. And I was using two 36" fluorescents. Trying to remember what plants I had.... I still have the parlor palm... bromeliads that i think got root rot from too much water... Ribbon Plant (Dracaena sanderiana), peace lilly, creeping jenny (might have been submerged), java moss and anachris in the water...

So any of these flowering plants, do you have trouble keeping the flowers alive or does stuff just not flower? Specifically I have bromeliads I was wondering how to get them to flower again and if the flowers would do well long term in this kind of set up?

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