hi all as our profile name we are barry and shell , we come from england,suffolk we never ever thought we would be into lizards untill i (shell) brought my partner a chameleon for his birthday and sadly he passed away with mbd
a close friend of ours who has a house full of lizards spidrs snakes ect give us two baby leos as she thoght they mite take our ind off our latest cham. which they did they are so friendly and we studyed them read number of books and found out alot of info on them , then we got our two chameleons which are really healthy. Then brought a male leo as we started really gettin intrested in these lizards and then,,,, took in two rescued female leos which one has just laid 2 eggs and the other is due 2 lay hers so sorry to make this long and boring but thats pretty much it . i would like a beardy now
i think im obsessed lol