Long overdue updates ~ Snow, snow, and more SNOW


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Thank you for the comments everyone :heart:

Very nice Jess. It's nice to see ya doing some crosses outside of the Macks. This makes me very excited for you and yours. Congrats and good luck with the LBS Raptors.
Thanks Ryan :D and yes, we're making sure no Mack x LBS crosses are involved in this project :main_thumbsup:

Cal. Gal. JB
Your snows + + Group is awesome,
but that's been said many times before.
But maybe this hasn't......
Hope you get your Bu-- back soon.
We miss you.
the forum gecko mystro
H.J. Leoinsane :main_laugh::main_laugh::D
Thank you HJ, much appreciated and you're definitely one of many that I miss being able to talk with the most! Life is only expected to get busier, going to have to learn how to freeze or create time :main_yes: TCHJJB

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